Under Preparing Steam Achievements (Steam 実績の準備中)

Students of Psionic Power

"Students of Psionic Power" (Original title in Japanese : "心の力の生徒達") is RPG based typing game. You can create your own party members (Can input name, can choose portrait for all of 5 members in ally party). 20 portraits (10 school boys and 10 school girls) are included for character creation.

Yakuentei is now under preparing Steam Achievements about 'Students of Psionic Power'. (現在、「心の力の生徒達」の Steam 実績を準備中です。) Currently, these achievements are invalid because software update is also needed. (ソフト側のアップデートも必要になるため、現時点では、まだ、これらの実績は利用できません。) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42653640/744be878acead9564aaecfdc54fb9600e155025d.png[/img] Now, I'm working about adding Steam API to game program in order to activate these achievements. (これらの実績を有効化するため、現在、ゲームプログラム側に Steam API の追加作業を行っています。) Once finished supporting achievements, I'll announce it. (実績への対応が終わりましたら、お知らせする予定です。) Thank you! (よろしくお願いいたします!)