1st version of Preliminary English support is now available! (最初の暫定的英語対応版をリリース)

Students of Psionic Power

"Students of Psionic Power" (Original title in Japanese : "心の力の生徒達") is RPG based typing game. You can create your own party members (Can input name, can choose portrait for all of 5 members in ally party). 20 portraits (10 school boys and 10 school girls) are included for character creation.

As written in announced before, Yakuentei (SuzukiYE) released 1st version of Preliminary English support for "Students of Psionic Power" as software update. 前回のお知らせのとおり、最初の暫定的英語対応版を、ソフトウェアアップデートとしてリリースしました。 You can now update it with Steam's normal update feature. (No need to change branches, etc.) Steam の通常のアップデート機能で更新できます。(ブランチ等の変更は不要です) DEMO version is also updated. 体験版側も同様にアップデートしました。 Following explanation is only written in English, because not affect Japanese text. 日本語テキスト側には影響が無いので、以下の説明は英語のみ書きます。 If you are using PC with non-Japanese settings, "English (α version)" will be automatically selected in title menu. (as following) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42653640/ef79103fc51d4caa089eff3fb5bdf79136e8e952.png[/img] The translation of UI texts are finished. But, currently, story texts and most of explanation texts are not translated yet. So, at this time, please ignore non-translated texts such as following. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42653640/919dc6c47c1f27c39745de897f568b9a15a671e9.png[/img] I think it is not enough. Next update, I will support English for explanation texts. And now I'm considering about message skip feature for non-translated texts. (Note that story texts will remain in Japanese after next English text update.) Thank you!