The citizens of Goeland lead a peaceful life. A bit too peaceful...
In this captivating game, embody a seagull who can move freely around the island.
Will you be a mere observer, a mischievous prankster, a faithful ally, or a troublemaker?
- Choose your own path by teasing the inhabitants or reaching out to them, depending on your mood.
- Observe their routines to gain strategic advantages.
- Explore every corner of the island to unveil its deepest secrets. What could stop you? You can fly!
- Dive into a living world where almost everything is interactive.
- Test your skills by solving the various puzzles scattered throughout this playground.
- Help stranded animals.
- Change the world around you through your actions.
- Play in rhythm with adaptive dynamic music.
- Or simply, relax and contemplate the island teeming with life...
Prepare yourself for a unique adventure on the peaceful yet mysterious island of Goeland, where exploration and interaction offer an immersive and captivating experience.