Brazen Blaze

Brazen Blaze is a 3v3 Smack & Shoot VR Action game with emphasis on close quarter melee combat! Choose from a range of unique Runners each equipped with individual skills meant to destroy whatever blocks your path to sure victory!


Open Beta Test now LIVE!

Players who participate in the Open Beta Test will get various in-game items, such as exclusive character skins and player cards.
These items can be carried over to the Official Release version.

Expect non-stop, continuous updates throughout the entire Open Beta based on the community's feedback to improve not only the actual gameplay but also the new future content!
We count on you to make an awesome game! Join us and share your thoughts in our Discord!


Defy The Rules, Unchain Yourself

Buckle up, Runners! Each clash is a lightning round - five to ten minutes of pure adrenaline! Fists fly, lasers flash, skills ignite – think fast, fight smart, and dominate the arena!

Forget generic pew-pew, we're talking simplified yet exciting battles. Spit lead with the Submachine Gun, dance with Death with the Sword, or laugh off bullets with Shield. Choose your Runner, choose your style, and become the next President of the World!

Strike down the last player in the enemy team and unlock a satisfying finishing move! Punch & blast foes into outer space, slice the enemy in bits, fill 'em with holes with multiple guns - It's fun to kill and get killed too.

Wreak havoc on the battlefield of the Presidential War. You can smash buildings, taxis, statues of political importance, and anything you fancy breaking.

The President of the World is chosen by strength. Raise your gauntlets, and get ready for the Presidential War!