Your Quality of Life has been improved

Mind Scanners

Greetings. Your Mind Scanner request has been approved. Your duty is to diagnose and treat the citizens of The Structure. The patient list is long so don't waste your time. We’ll let you see your daughter soon...

[b]Small new features to improve the life of any Mind Scanner:[/b] [list] [*]Easy swap and reorder devices in device manager. [*]A device can no longer be interrupted while it is just about to deliver its effect. [*]You can now also delete your [i]current[/i] profile. [/list] [b]Device changes:[/b] [list] [*]5 new mazes added to MIND MAZE. [*]LUNA SUCKER made slightly easier. [*]Improved Russian and Chinese localization for REFLECTOR (word device). [/list] [b]Balance changes:[/b] Slightly shorter traveldistances and more available patients at any given time. [b]Gamebreaking bugs have been fixed:[/b] [list] [*]Mouse issues on a multiple monitor setup. [*]Better handling of currupted/missing save files. [*]Game will skip video intro if video can't be played. [/list] [b]Minor bug fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed time pausing exploits with book of Lunacy. [*]Some missing sprites have been hooked up. [*]Fixed interaction edgecases of different devices. [*]UI tweaks. [/list]