More fixes and tweaks

Mind Scanners

Greetings. Your Mind Scanner request has been approved. Your duty is to diagnose and treat the citizens of The Structure. The patient list is long so don't waste your time. We’ll let you see your daughter soon...

[b]For your convenience:[/b] You can now leave treatment to repack your bag and resume treatment immediately as long as no insanity points have been removed. Logo video intro can now be skipped on ESC. This is mostly intended for players who can't load the videos for some reason. Skipping the video intro won't make the game load much faster on most systems as the game is already loading in the background while the videos are playing. [b]Balancing:[/b] Slightly more insanty on hard mode. ROBOTANY made easier. Cooldown changes: [list] [*]Electrigger cooldown now stacks with other cooldowns [*]ECHOPUNCTURE cooldown now depends on the number of insanity points you remove. [*]HYPNAMID cooldown slightly increased to not allow back to back uses. [/list] [b]Bugfixes:[/b] Trauma Bomb + Ease Pill Mouse issues Text alignment