Mind Scanners is joining PixElated Adventures Festival!

Mind Scanners

Greetings. Your Mind Scanner request has been approved. Your duty is to diagnose and treat the citizens of The Structure. The patient list is long so don't waste your time. We’ll let you see your daughter soon...

PixElated Adventures Festival is live now on Steam, and to celebrate alongside hundreds of other pixel art developers and players, we have launched a very special deepest-ever discount on Mind Scanners! If you are looking for your next pixel adventure we would love it of you checked out the sales page here: https://store.steampowered.com/sale/PixElatedFestival The festival will run for a week and will feature: 🟥Live Stream showcase 🎥 🟧Big discounts 🫡 🟩Pixel art contest 🎨 🟪~200 demos to try 🙀 🟨AMA and Dev Streams https://store.steampowered.com/app/1389550/Mind_Scanners/