Write Us Your Naval New Year's Resolutions and Score Amazing Ships!

World of Warships

Immerse yourself in thrilling naval battles and assemble an armada of over 600 ships from the first half of the 20th century — from stealthy destroyers to gigantic battleships. Change the look of your ship, choose upgrades to suit your play style, and go into battle with other players!

[h2]New Years Resolutions![/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31013613/78367332c9c148690488c3d1edac2d3f62378ae6.png[/img] The New Year is upon us, and it’s time to set some resolutions… World of Warships style! Participate in our New Year’s Resolution Event for a shot at prizes for the teams which include Rare ships such as [b]Somers, Alaska, Musashi and Småland [/b]! Along with Premium Ship, Firepower and Distant Voyages Containers. This overall event will run from [b]December 7th to January 2nd[/b]. [url=https://worldofwarships.eu/en/news/sales-and-events/ny-resolution-event-2024/ style=button][b]EU[/b][/url] How to Participate: [list] [*]Write us your WoWs New Year's Resolution, we recommend using our provided template also make sure to include your In-Game name and server. Only those who submit a New Year's resolution on their platform of choice will be eligible for a prize [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31013613/7cb1ed263d90b4288d7d6570f369537d63f2d4e4.png[/img] [*]Pick your Team, Redeem one of the provided exclusive codes, to join your team which you'll compete against the others. Team Steam's code is : [b]3375STEAM2024NYR[/b] [*][b]Post your Resolution here as a comment[/b]. [/list] With additional prizes given out weekly to those who have submitted a resolution. The Team contest portion will run in 4 segments each lasting 5 days. With each week's task being provided that week. Running from the [b]14th to 19th is Team average of number of Achievements in a single battle[/b]. Good luck, Captains! Sail into the New Year with style!