Go from humble beginnings to a feared pirate captain in this seafaring open-world adventure! Enhance your reputation as you take on bounties, upgrade your ship, hire a crew and search for treasure, or just go fishing instead!
Ahoy, everyone! Seablip's next major update: Wizards & Flags is just around the corner, but I need your help with feedback!
The Wizards & Flags update brings a lot of changes!! A new ship, magic, more enemies, more challenges, and a new faction: Goblins. The World Map has also changed!!
A huge rebalance of gold has also happened. This is by no means ready, but there is a huge rebalance of gold rewards in the game. I'm sure you will get very rich in this version too and at some point won't know what to spend gold on. For that, I want to say that there will be a lot of content to spend that shiny gold on when the next major update is out.
Magical Shield is reworked. And more.
I'm most likely going to release the game sometime next week, but it would be super valuable to get some early feedback from players who want to test the experimental build right now.
[b]Be aware that it is experimental. Not all content is finished yet. Sound is missing, and you should back up your saves before you start.[/b]
I encourage you to start a new game when you play the experimental build. Since the game has changed a lot since the last time you played.
[*] It would be super valuable to know what it's like to start the game from scratch, but I'm also interested in feedback from players with "old saves" - so do as you like!
[b]To join the branch:[/b]
[*] Back up save data. Found at “C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Vibedy\Seablip\SaveData\Saves”
[*] Copy the SaveFiles folder and put it on the desktop or something.
[*] Go back to Steam, right-click on Seablip, and select Properties. Select tab Betas. Type in the code: experimental and hit the button Check Code. Now select the branch from the drop-down list.
[*] Enter password: “ experimentalbeta”
[*] Restart Steam to trigger Steam client to download the update.
Any feedback from playing on the Experimental branch should be reported on the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1471270/discussions/]Steam Forum[/url] (mark it as "Experimental Build", or on [url=https://discord.gg/QVGqSxS]on Discord[/url] marked with the experimental tag, or you could send me an [url=https://seablip.com/contact-1]email from here[/url].
Best Jardar