WIP: Comfort Items on the PTS

[h2]Hello Deadsiders![/h2] Today we would like to take a detailed look into the comfort item system, to keep everyone informed and up to date with the ongoing public test. At first, comfort items might just seem like fun items to decorate your base with. And while they certainly do allow you to make your base feel more like home, they also come with some potentially powerful buffs for your character! First you will need to either find or craft comfort items. To find them, you will need to locate these decor crates. By far the best place to find these crates would be the city of Kamensk, though they can be found in most large towns. These crates will spawn random comfort items, each providing +3% to your character's comfort level. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33598199/416f3723a26b03ce70580042759328181c5ec47c.jpg[/img] To craft comfort items, your options are flags, and trophies. While these comfort items are easier to acquire, they provide slightly less comfort (+2%). It's worth noting that stacking multiple of the same comfort item will start to have diminishing returns, so variety is key. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33598199/61246fa9930b0bbb0ccc8bed2b853a5ef49a8fb9.jpg[/img] Once you have collected a substantial amount of comfort items, you will start to achieve higher levels of comfort bonus for your character. This comfort bonus will last for an hour after leaving your base, with each level providing better and better buffs for your character. Here is the current implementation of the comfort level bonus: [list][*] [b]Level 1[/b] [i](0-20%)[/i] [b]+15% Satiety[/b] [*] [b]Level 2[/b] [i](20-40%)[/i] [b]+6 Regeneration per minute[/b] [*] [b]Level 3[/b] [i](40-60%)[/i] [b]+10% Healing Effectiveness[/b] [*] [b]Level 4[/b] [i](60-80%)[/i] [b]+10% Run Speed[/b] [*] [b]Level 5[/b] [i](80-100%)[/i] [b]+10 Max Health[/b][/list]High comfort bonus levels can provide a substantial boost to your character, especially when combined with our new foraging tinctures. For example, with the green tincture and level 5 comfort, you can get up to 130HP! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33598199/4cd36a7760ed4702dc98597463c54dcaba9c5197.jpg[/img] So let us know what you think! While comfort items might not be the most flashy addition in the public test, it's certainly a substantial one that needs to be playtested. As always, if you have any feedback for us, the best way to send it would be through the [url=https://discordapp.com/channels/490106011194097684/936599879386538044]#pts-feedback[/url] channel in the [url=https://discord.gg/fc68Vrv9xn]Official Deadside Discord[/url]. Before we go, keep an eye out for another PTS Hotfix coming later this week. We see all the bugs that you all have been submitting, and we are working to find a solution. We really appreciate all of the feedback that has been sent, it's going to make this update one of the best so far! [h2]Thanks for reading, enjoy decorating your bases![/h2] [b]Bad Pixel[/b] [hr][/hr] [b]Join other survivors:[/b] [url=https://discord.gg/fc68Vrv9xn][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33598199/14b2a43107720d5145756999ddb35c20d4866a54.png[/img][/url] [url=https://twitter.com/DeadsideGame]Twitter[/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/deadsidegame]Facebook[/url] [url=https://vk.com/deadsidegame]VK[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/c/DEADSIDEGAME]YouTube[/url] [url=http://deadsidegame.com/]Official website[/url] [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33598199/0687e8955ea63bb49e80a04500b2ecc94192806d.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33598199/f76b8312285a555598d47b9bb93372f6cf29cff6.png[/img][/url]