[h2]Hello Deadsiders![/h2]
Today we would like to talk a bit more about Base Progression, as it's a major part of our next update, and we have seen some new people in our community who are unaware that this feature will be coming in our next update. Plus, we can talk in a bit more detail about Base Progression now that there has been more development time spent. Nearly everything about base building has been improved or re-worked, so we have lots to talk about!
Starting at the absolute beginning, you will need a knife, and a hammer. Hammers can be crafted simply, with only a few branches. The knife will be needed to gather these branches, simply swing at a bush to collect them. Once the hammer has been crafted, you can place it on your hotbar to open the new base building menu. With this UI you can place most base structures, disassemble them, or upgrade them.
Base structures can be made out of three materials, or three “tiers.” You will start with stick tier, made out of just branches collected with a knife. This tier is extremely weak, anyone with a handful of ammo can quickly blast through your front door or wall at this level. In order to make a more defensible base, you will need to upgrade to plank tier.
This is where we need our first machine, the generator! Crafted with ten spare parts and scrap, this little generator consumes fuel in order to generate electricity for your base. Electricity will be needed to power your other machines, and some comfort items like base lights. This will make fuel cans a more sought after item, while also setting the framework for more electrically powered base features in the future. Fuel consumption is slow, however the generator doesn’t have much fuel storage, giving you only 30 minutes of electricity
To continue working towards plank structures, next we need a wooden planer. This machine is made with 10 scrap metal, wood logs, and spare parts. You will also want to gather some Axes to collect logs with, so that you can feed them into the wood planer. Axes will now have durability, requiring players to collect a handful of them, or to craft Improvised Axes from scrap and branches. Along with axes, don’t forget your nails! These can be gathered in the world, or purchased directly from the traders.
Once you have enough logs, you can place them inside of the wood planer, which will be slowly converted into planks. Wood planers can also be found in some POIs, making it easier to create planks if you are unable to make a generator first.
At the plank tier, your base structures now have three times more health points, making them much more defendable. Wooden doors have enough health at this level to resist a single explosion from dynamite, a new raiding item, but will be destroyed with a single explosive charge. So while your base is much safer, it still leaves something to be desired. This is where we can begin upgrading to metal tier.
Upgrading to metal tier is very similar to upgrading to wood tier, you will need to make a metal planer out of ten spare parts, logs, and scrap metal, or you can find a metal planer in some POIs. You can place scrap metal inside of the metal planer, in order to convert it into sheet metal. In addition to sheet metal, you will also need rebar, a rare material that is typically found in scrap piles. Upgrading to metal tier will triple the health points of your base structures once again, giving them the best level of protection possible. Metal doors can stop an explosive charge, with the walls and foundations able to soak up much more damage than that.
The metal planer isn’t just used to create sheet metal though, it can also be used to convert items directly into scrap metal. This can be done by placing weapons and armor inside of the metal planer, where those items will be destroyed and converted into scrap. So if you just completed a mission and your backpack is full of weapons, you can now convert them all into scrap or sheet metal for your base.
Along with improvement to our base structures, we have removed a lot of the existing base building limits. For example, you are now able to place a lot more storage crates, build much taller bases, own multiple bases, and store vehicles in your base long term. In addition to that, you will have access to a handful of new base building objects, which you may have already seen posted to our socials. These items include barbed wire, window shutters, and window bars.
Our next major update is absolutely huge, if you want more details on it, we recommend our other recent steam posts. There are so many details that we didn’t cover here, like upgradeable storage, base decorations, and our new raiding systems.
[b]Thanks for reading, be sure to follow our socials so that you don’t miss any teasers![/b]
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