Whole Game Optimised to Run Smoother and Faster

Boot Camp Fitness

Boot Camp Fitness is a home cardio and bodyweight workout app/game, focused on helping you become the fittest, leanest, version of yourself. Including varied exercises and a 154 song playlist. With 13 ranks and 18 exercise locations to unlock.

* New more efficient sprite loading system added to all exercise levels and times. * Each exercise sprite given its very own texture sheet to reduce texture swaps for better efficiency. * Game compiled in YYC using C++ instead of a Virtual Machine compiler for higher game speed and fps. * Code optimisations, such as scripts hard-coded in to reduce script calls for even more game speed. * Chance of player AVs flagging up this game as a false positive is now 10 times less likely as this update was compiled using YYC, as well as all future builds. In a nutshell, the game now runs much faster, more efficiently and smoother. Plus the blue bar lag glitch is now fixed and the chance of player AVs flagging this game up as a false positive for a virus is now 10 times more unlikely. Players may have to take their exercise speed down 10% to 20% on some PC systems as the sprites load and run faster and the game in general runs faster. A big thank you to all players who initially let me know about the blue bar lag bug and the false positives being flagged up by players' AV software. This is now fixed. And thank you to players letting me know that the blue bar lag bug has been eliminated. Many players requested that exercises be repeated less, leading to more variety, so I also re-coded all the exercise algorithms, at all times and levels, to repeat less. Thank you for your patience whilst those glitches were being fixed and for all the player feedback helping me pin those glitches/bugs down. I will get cracking adding some new exercises for the next update. Cheers, Kevin