Optimisations Part 4: New Sprite Loading System for 10 and 15 min exercises

Boot Camp Fitness

Boot Camp Fitness is a home cardio and bodyweight workout app/game, focused on helping you become the fittest, leanest, version of yourself. Including varied exercises and a 154 song playlist. With 13 ranks and 18 exercise locations to unlock.

* Improved sprite loading system added to all 10 min and 15 min exercise algorithms at all levels. Before, the corner exercise was destroyed (as an object instance) and then recreated (as a separate object instance) when it moved to being the main exercise. Now it is not destroyed, but instead re-sized to be the main exercise. In a nutshell, only one sprite texture file is being loaded instead of two on each exercise change. Which I hope will cut texture sheet loading by 50% and maybe get rid of the blue bar lag glitch that some players are experiencing. If anyone who has experienced the blue bar lag glitch wants to test this that would be great. Just launch any 10 min or 15 min exercise and notice the sprite loading performance, then launch any of the 20, 30, 40 or 60 minute exercises which are still on the old sprite loading system and see if it makes a difference. If it does, please let me know as the blue bar glitch is not happening on my system. In the debugger I noticed smoother sprite loading, but I am not sure if a real world difference will be noticed on players' systems which experienced sprite loading lag. _______________________ A bit stressful these last few days because Boot Camp Fitness and a number of other games on Steam have been getting a false positive on some AV checkers that ransomware is in the application file. I have given details of it in the discussion area if you want to check that out for piece of mind and there is also details of Steam's response to the false positives. Thank you to everyone who reported this to me as if it had been a real threat and not just a false positive I would have rolled back to a previous build. _______________________ I will get on with implementing the new sprite loading system for 20 mins and all the rest of the time periods at all levels. I am hoping that this will make a dent in improving or getting rid of the lag that some players have reported.