New Exercises Added + Fixed Room Selection Button Glitch

Boot Camp Fitness

Boot Camp Fitness is a home cardio and bodyweight workout app/game, focused on helping you become the fittest, leanest, version of yourself. Including varied exercises and a 154 song playlist. With 13 ranks and 18 exercise locations to unlock.

Added 4 new exercises: * Power Skips * Sprinter Steps * Slams * Rotational Chops + fixed a glitch where switching from the Lobby Room to the Metro Room was not functioning properly, plus found and fixed a bug when game testing, on the room selection panel. Power Skips will not show up if a player has jumping exercises turned off in Settings. Really enjoyed doing Slams as great for ab work and a whole body exercise. Power Skips were weird to do at first as this was a new exercise for me, I felt like I was dancing in a Mary Poppins musical at first, but after a while they became familiar and fun to do. November was a no go on any updates as quite a few life events hit me throughout that month. However, back to normality now and will make up for this by adding more and more exercises. It is exciting as the array of different exercises is growing steadily bigger now for more and more variation. Happy Christmas and New Year :)