Welcome Windows MR! The world of Ember awaits.

The Gallery - Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone

Embark on the sci-fi epic that started it all at the dawn of modern VR, setting standards for roomscale movement and interaction for years to come. Winner of over 30 awards including "VR Game of the Year", The Gallery is VR's premier adventure series.

You may have noticed a fun new icon on our Heart of the Emberstone page: Windows MR support! We're excited to announce that you can now play The Gallery with your Windows MR device using the Windows Mixed Reality SteamVR Preview. For more details on how to play SteamVR games using your Windows MR headset, download the [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/719950/Windows_Mixed_Reality_for_SteamVR/]Windows Mixed Reality SteamVR Preview[/url], and read [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/250820/announcements/detail/1449455963851038367]this post by SteamVR.[/url] If this is your first experience with The Gallery, check out our first episode, Call of the Starseed, to get started. http://store.steampowered.com/app/270130/The_Gallery__Episode_1_Call_of_the_Starseed/ Welcome to the SteamVR family--we hope you enjoy the adventure!