Our latest coupon is live! Check your inventory for 50% off Superhot VR!

The Gallery - Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone

Embark on the sci-fi epic that started it all at the dawn of modern VR, setting standards for roomscale movement and interaction for years to come. Winner of over 30 awards including "VR Game of the Year", The Gallery is VR's premier adventure series.

Earlier this year, we launched a new initiative to introduce Coupon Swaps for our "[url=https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/cloudheadgames/list/34086]Cloudhead Faves[/url]." Each month, Gallery owners have received an exclusive discount for some of the best and most compelling games in VR. This month, as lead up to E3, the Superhot team has partnered with us to offer 50% off Superhot VR, one of the most defining games of VR's first generation. To access your exclusive coupon, simply click the green envelope at the top of your Steam app to visit your inventory. You can then use the coupon to get 50% off Superhot VR. The coupon will expire 48 hours after you get the notification. If you want to know more about Superhot VR, check out the Steam page below. https://store.steampowered.com/app/617830/SUPERHOT_VR/?curator_clanid=32938820 And here's what we had to say about it: [Quote=Cloudhead Games]"You basically get to feel like John Wick without your dog having to die. Which is nice because it means I can feel like a bad ass and also hug my dog."[/quote] We hope you've been enjoying the coupon series, and we hope to continue offering exclusive discounts to help you experience more VR in future. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30663632/55dafff9828eec0d4749342a4e3a1d4b44efbbfc.jpg[/img] -- [b]March: [/b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/559330/A_Fishermans_Tale/?curator_clanid=32938820[/url] [b]April: [/b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/418650/Space_Pirate_Trainer/?curator_clanid=32938820]Space Pirate Trainer[/url] [b]May: [/b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/691160/Electronauts__VR_Music/?curator_clanid=32938820]Electronauts[/url] [b]June: [/b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/617830/SUPERHOT_VR/?curator_clanid=32938820]Superhot[/url]