Weekly Update #04

Black Paradox

Buckle up for shoot ‘em up chaos in this fast-paced and hyper-stylized roguelite. As the infamous bounty hunter Black Paradox, it’s up to you to travel through space and defeat the Hellraisers – the most dangerous criminal organization in the galaxy.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33040540/d48ee452d078ad74a88d60f9573a84ceb1bb1a17.jpg[/img] How was your August? I hope everyone had some nice vacations and hopefully enjoyed Black Paradox! We're back into action! This update is a little smaller but adds 6 powerups to the game! [h1]New contents[/h1] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33040540/a7618985cc48229109dd1c1f7e5de86a1cdf690b.jpg[/img] 6 powerups! They are upgrades for the player stats in 6 different combinations. The effect is self explaining so I won't go into details and just drop them in the Patch Notes. [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [b]Powerups[/b] [list] [*]Item Hp/Att up added! [*]Item Hp/Sp up added! [*]Item Hp/AS up added! [*]Item Att/Sp up added! [*]Item Att/AS up added! [*]Item Sp/AS up added! [/list] [h1]Update discussion[/h1] Want to discuss the update with the devs or with other players? There's a [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/858680/discussions/2/]forum[/url] just for you! [h1]Press/Media[/h1] Are you a videogame journalist, a Steam Curator, a Youtuber or a Twitcher and you want to make a review/video of Black Paradox? We have a Distribute and a Keymailer account! So contact us there! Hope the new upgrades make your runs more various! I already have a new upgrade in mind for next week! Also remember the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/858680/discussions/3/1739964683502312895/]August Design Contest[/url] closes on the 27th! If you have ideas you'd like to post and haven't posted yet do so now!!! Thanks for reading!