Week 5: Editing Complete!

Sepia Tears

A visual novel about a memory that a boy named Mark tries very hard to forget, and a girl named Myra who unearths it.

Great news! I've finished re-reading and editing the original script for Sepia Tears. The current version still sits at 40,000 words, but hopefully there's more substance and flow to some of the small talk now. The plot remains the same, so no worries there. Next up, I'll work on 3 (?) extra stories that will be unlocked after you finish the game. No firm details on these yet, but the idea is to have fun with the characters and show what the crew is like now that all the drama is resolved. In other news, game composer [url=http://superoliver.com/]smittenden[/url] is joining us to remaster the OST! Due to a long story involving poor project management and untimely hard drive crashes, we no longer have access to the project files for the original soundtrack. That means we can't edit the original files or export to different formats. Eventually, when the soundtrack is released, it will include both the mp3s featured in the original game (various bitrates, but mostly mp3 320), and the remastered version (FLAC and mp3 v0). We're still working out how to do this, but here's a snapshot of what to expect (work in progress). [b]Winter Park, Empty Park (old)[/b]: https://my.mixtape.moe/hgsuer.mp3 [b]Winter Park, Empty Park (new)[/b]: https://my.mixtape.moe/fwxcbz.mp3 The remaster is as much a creative challenge as a technical one, so feedback is welcome. There are a few directions we can take the music just by tweaking the individual instruments; the actual sheet music will remain more or less the same. (This account is now old enough for Market purchases, so I can finally throw in some emoticons :rbrb2:) - [url=https://twitter.com/scarlet_string]@scarlet_string[/url]