A visual novel about a memory that a boy named Mark tries very hard to forget, and a girl named Myra who unearths it.
Apologies for the late update — last weekend was a holiday here and I got caught up with going outside.
As of now, the UI is fully functional, which means my next task is to go through the old script and edit. I know a couple people commented that the old UI for the music room looked better. I'll see if I can figure out how to give the new buttons a more hand-drawn look, rather than a boxy CSS look. UI feedback is always helpful so please keep the comments coming!
For reference, the old vs new save/load screen:
I liked how the old one was a modal screen (with the game still visible in the background), so I might try to do the same again.
The new achievements will surely be an improvement. I realized it makes more sense to just create one per chapter, and the SDCGs are perfect for that.
(Yes, that extra pixel in the corners bothers me too, now that I'm seeing it against a dark background)
Story-wise, I'm leaving most of the original scenes in place, but there are a few areas that would be fun to expand. The overall banter amongst the cast could be improved. I'm still really happy with the ending — don't think there will be any changes to Day 7.
Once this is done, I'll brainstorm an epilogue chapter or two!
- [url=http://twitter.com/scarlet_string]@scarlet_string[/url]