We're at GaMaYo 2024!

Pandora: Chains of Chaos

A 17-year-old girl named Pandora has opened a box containing evils that could destroy the world. Kome Village, her home, is invaded by creatures spawned from the darkness and the legendary Titans. During the invasion, Pandora must battle countless enemies and demons, including her own inner turmoil.

If you're in/near West Yorkshire - We're at GaMaYo today (21 November, 2024) in WX, Wakefield. Come chat to us about Pandora: Chains of Chaos, our upcoming game Ascend and try some demos! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32279111/f4bf5adde30792a235e4c2e715b3855c691d72fc.png[/img] Come say hi ✨