A 17-year-old girl named Pandora has opened a box containing evils that could destroy the world. Kome Village, her home, is invaded by creatures spawned from the darkness and the legendary Titans. During the invasion, Pandora must battle countless enemies and demons, including her own inner turmoil.
[h3]Greetings, adventurers! ☂️[/h3]
It's been a couple of moons, but we're so excited to show you what we've been working on!
Our focus for this update was really improving game performance with key bug fixes, introducing new enemies, and diving deep into enhancing both the gameplay experience and world immersion.
Let us know what you think of the update and, as always, if you come across any more [strike]spiders[/strike] bugs, we’re here to squash them!
We can't thank you enough for your support 🐷
[h1]The Pandora: Chains of Chaos V1.4 update includes...[/h1]
[h2]New Features ✨[/h2]
[*] A new mob added. Demon Watcher! This creature attacks you by flying into you and punching you with one of its 8 arms. We’ll be coming back to this in the future to improve the movement of the DW.
[*] A new mob added, spider bug! We’ve replaced the old bugs are we didn’t have any idle, attack or die animations.
[i]Maybe a spider queen will appear in the next update...[/i]
[*] Added reverb to outside areas.
[*] Completed an audio mix.
[*] VO for Hera added in!
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
[*] Targeting now works on all enemies.
[*] Ogre is now updated and has a working health bar. Ogre now also has hit reactions and doesn’t die facing down.
[*] Spells on the HUD have been removed as you can’t currently use them. |This will be back soon with better working spells and VFX!
[*] Collision issues fixed around the map. More to come.
[*] Pig rider models are now not of Pandora. We’ve updated the textures.
[*] Day and night cycle has been adjusted. There is more time during the day and night now the Sun and Moon move slower through the sky.
[*] There is now a marketplace to check out. We’ll be filling up this area with quests and NPC’s to talk to in the future.
[*] Butterflies were causing lag when you got close to them. This has been updated now so it shouldn’t happen.
[*] Framerate issues within the world
[*] New splash screen implemented.
[*] Combat tutorials have been adjusted to start when combat starts.
[*] New updated tutorials.
[*] Updated interaction button.
[*] Collision issues fixed around the map. [i]More to come...[/i]
Let us know your thoughts or of any issues via Steam forums or join our [url=https://discord.gg/Y6W6VwsTyq]Discord server[/url] (currently undergoing renovations👷🛠️)
Don't forget to follow us on [url=https://x.com/MiamiAvalon]Twitter[/url]!
See you next time! 🌠
Community Manager