We are postponing the game's release date.


A harsh sand planet has become the stage for a brutal war between three Great Clans. For the power over rare minerals each wants to prove their superiority. In the heat of dynamic battles with the enemy's troops, be prepared to face and attack giant Sand Snakes.

We need time to raise the project to a level that will meet our standards and expectations. We decided not to compromise. Yes, much has already been done, but more needs to be done. We understand that there are things in the project that we can and should improve. That's why our team decided to [b]postpone the game's release to July 2023[/b]. All this time, the development of the game is in full swing. Soon we will start introducing you to the opposing factions, units, buildings, mechanics, the world and the essence of the game's conflict. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42285284/85b3e120d92f4987fde2fd875373e7d55c3dce65.gif[/img]