Powerful Factions of the Barkhan World: Part 2, in Crimson Tone. Infantry


A harsh sand planet has become the stage for a brutal war between three Great Clans. For the power over rare minerals each wants to prove their superiority. In the heat of dynamic battles with the enemy's troops, be prepared to face and attack giant Sand Snakes.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42285284/e5ad8799066536bec9eeb9bcd08d1eeb96730682.png[/img] Today, we continue introducing you to the units of the faction we reviewed last time. Its infantry rightfully deserves the title of Elite. They are the most protected of all the infantry units across all factions. Only a few survive ruthless multi-year training on planets harsh for life, and they can continue specialization. Many die during this training, others go mad from harsh training programs. Only the chosen ones have the great honor of wearing special ultra-protected armor, made from the rarest materials found on remote planets. These are hardened warriors, fanatically loyal to their lord. With their self-preservation instinct reduced to a minimum, they become perfect fighters. These infantrymen unhesitatingly go into battle, crushing everything in their path. The rigorous training and expensive gear of this elite infantry impact its numbers. The infantry has various specializations: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42285284/0beb4be09c3aa24f79169abf8cd5a866aa5a7884.gif[/img] "Aggressor" - trained to counter any ground technology, having a heavy grenade launcher in their arsenal. "Redeemer" - a warrior with this specialization has a heavy machine gun in his arsenal, effective against infantry and airborne units. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42285284/1f0658644c484b78eb1e4ba4631430d1b1b387e5.gif[/img] "Spartan" - equipped with a unique melee weapon - energy daggers. They draw power from the ultra-capacity battery located at the back of the armored suit. This enhanced armor suit has turned the Spartan into a walking tank, which has adversely affected his maneuverability. Powerful servomotors can periodically speed up the movement of the armor, allowing for short-term bursts towards the target. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42285284/58871365dbcc58490611c7677f4a70f5cf0e2203.gif[/img] "Healer" - the bearer of this specialization is equipped with complex medical equipment. It is this equipment that allows for relatively quick healing of even severely wounded fighters right on the battlefield. Stay with us and keep up with our news. We will continue to share information about the game world, various units, and the history of the universe.