In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by monsters due to an unknown virus, some people have managed to survive. During these times, an organization formed by elite members of society emerged, fighting against the monsters and aiming to restore the world to its original state.
Dear players,
We want to say a huge thank you for all your comments, feedback, and suggestions. Your opinion means the world to us, and thanks to you, we continue to improve the game, making it even better!
We have carefully reviewed all your requests and are pleased to announce that many of them have already been addressed in the latest update. You asked for improved locations, more interactive elements, and changes to the "Underground Laboratory" level—and we gladly fulfilled your requests!
We believe that together we can make our game even more exciting and immersive. Your ideas and support motivate us to keep moving forward and evolving. Keep sharing your thoughts—it helps us create the world you love to play in!
Thank you for staying with us! There’s much more exciting content to come!