In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by monsters due to an unknown virus, some people have managed to survive. During these times, an organization formed by elite members of society emerged, fighting against the monsters and aiming to restore the world to its original state.
⚔️ Experience Fear and Survival in The Limb – 40% Off, Limited Time Only! ⚔️
📅 Release Date: November 1st
🎮 Free Demo Available for Everyone!
To celebrate the launch of the full version, we’re offering a 40% discount! Dive into the dark world of The Limb for only $3.77 (regular price $6.49) – a perfect chance to immerse yourself in the horror atmosphere at a reduced price!
In this world, emptied by monsters due to a mysterious virus, only a few have survived. Limbo Inc., an elite yet ruthless organization, claims it can harness the power of the monsters to cure the infection. But beware—their methods are far from humane. Survivors are sent into monster lairs to collect valuable resources, and those who don’t return in time face a grim fate...
Game Features:
🔹 Explore abandoned, grim locations and find your path to safety with a team of up to four players.
🔹 Minimalist interface and high level of realism.
🔹 New levels and challenges with regular content updates.
🌟 Add The Limb to your Steam wishlist and experience its atmosphere with the free demo!