In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by monsters due to an unknown virus, some people have managed to survive. During these times, an organization formed by elite members of society emerged, fighting against the monsters and aiming to restore the world to its original state.
"Get ready to dive into the unknown — the update is here!
Friends, we've been working hard on this update and are excited to announce that it's ready! Your feedback on the demo inspired us to create something truly grand. Today, we are thrilled to introduce a new location that will reveal a completely different side of our world.
'The Underground Laboratory — Bunker' is a place where light hasn't touched for decades. Deep underground, hidden from sight and time, this laboratory was once the epicenter of secret experiments. But something went wrong. Now, this abandoned underground facility has become home to unknown threats, terrifying secrets, and the remnants of humanity's desperate struggle for survival.
Prepare for a new level of horror, where the atmosphere grips you with its dark, claustrophobic reality. But this is more than just a location — it’s a test of endurance, agility, and wit.
What’s new in the update?
New location: Explore the deep corridors of the underground bunker, soaked with anxiety and mystery.
Enhanced puzzles and tasks: On your path to salvation, you’ll face new challenges that will test your nerves. There’s no easy escape — every decision could be your last.
Dangers at every turn: New monsters and updated AI movements will make your survival even more intense. They hunt you, they know you're here, and you don't have much time to find the way out.
New mechanics and ways to interact with the world: You will now be able to activate hidden mechanisms, discover secret paths, but be careful: every wrong step could have fatal consequences.
Optimized performance and graphic improvements: We heard your feedback and made changes to make the game even more immersive and realistic. Visual effects, lighting, and sound have been upgraded to heighten the atmosphere.
We know how long you’ve been waiting for this update, and it was made possible thanks to your support and patience.
Don’t miss your chance to be part of this story. The update is available now! Stay tuned, there’s much more to come in the full release — this is only the beginning of our journey."