WAVEN Livestream – Q&A #3 | Answers


Forge your own destiny! Choose your character, equip your best spells and sail from island to island in quest of fortune and glory. Level up your hero and your strategy in this free-to-play tactical multiplayer RPG with unique colorful graphics.

On [b]Friday, June 28,[/b] we invited you to a livestream dedicated to questions from the community. See our answers to your questions now! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44049144/d3279127db3dab1ed56b4d2594d69d2acb26be42.png[/img] Many of you submitted your questions, and even more voted for them! We collected the most popular questions in each WAVEN community. You'll find the answers below.   [h2][u]YOUR QUESTIONS AND OUR ANSWERS[/u][/h2]   [b][u]1. Will there be an option that lets us reorganize our characters in the character select interface?[/u][/b]   This is a good idea for making the game more user-friendly, but we don't know when it can be integrated.   [b][u]2. How do you plan to resolve the issue of animations taking too long in combat?[/u][/b]   We're aware of the issues with animations; certain visual effects and animations have been significantly sped up to make combat more dynamic. As we consider things, we always bear this in mind when new animations and effects are created. For example, the hero Apostruker Scalpel recently underwent a full revamp, with animations redesigned to speed up the hero's turns. We also know that certain quests, such as the Brakmar Forge, need special attention to streamline their mechanics by reducing animation times.   We can parallelize certain actions, e.g. two effects running at the same time, and we'll do this more and more. However, many effects in WAVEN follow a complex causal sequence, which makes it hard to speed up certain animations without affecting the intelligibility of effects on the screen.   [b][u]3. Will you be adding Necromic and Albueran items to the end-of-dungeon peddlers? [/u][/b]   Yes, we will, as this was an oversight on our part. All the Necromic and Albueran items have been added to chests and the rotating loot after the change to Krosmic Mode – Necros. Logically, these items should also be offered by the peddlers.   [b][u]4. Are you planning to overhaul the lore and context for WAVEN?[/u][/b]   Certain aspects will be addressed throughout the main quest, and you'll gradually understand all the stakes in WAVEN. We've also said we want to have a bestiary, which could include context elements, like the various Pig Island clans.   [b][u]5. Will Krosmic Mode – Sacriers exclusively require you to play as a Sacrier?[/u][/b]   This is an option we're considering. We haven't set the rules for this edition yet.   [b]Question from the chat: do you think you'll make transfers free for the next Krosmic Mode?[/b]   We've collected data from the first Krosmic Mode, which we'll be using to set the rules for the next one. We have to account for technical and design constraints, as well as player feedback. We haven't established whether or not transfers will be paid, or in what currency it would be.   [b][u]6. Will the mobile version have more options when it comes out?[/u][/b]   The PC and mobile versions are identical; only the interfaces will vary to fit the corresponding platform. If any usability aspects are detrimental to one or the other, we'll look for a solution. Recall that WAVEN is a cross-save, cross-play, and cross-platform game; you play on the same account, with the same progression, and on the same game servers across the board.   [b]Message from the chat: some have already been using the mobile app for months now…[/b]   That's right; we did a soft launch in certain countries. This allowed us to test the application on a large scale and to collect performance data to improve it. We know that some players in excluded countries have been able to get the app through the back door. We strongly discourage the downloading of applications from unofficial platforms, as the integrity of the files cannot be guaranteed, and account security may be compromised.   [b]Question from the chat: do you need an internet connection to play on mobile?[/b]   In order to play WAVEN, whether on PC/Mac or mobile/tablet, an internet connection is required. There is no offline mode.   [b][u]7. Are you going to buff heroes that are weak in the meta instead of nerfing ones that are strong?[/u][/b]   We tend to improve weaker heroes rather than weaken strong ones, as demonstrated by the recently revamped Pikuxala or the Apostruker Scalpel. This is a dynamic we want to preserve for future balancing updates. However, we can't leave certain overpowered ("auto-winning") combinations of heroes untouched.   Some comments suggest that all heroes should be abnormally powerful. We think if all heroes are too strong, none of them truly are. Also, we distinguish between a character's power and the enjoyment they can provide: completing a fight in three seconds isn't a scenario we would consider fun or appealing for WAVEN. Making it too easy for heroes to do all the content would remove the tactical and strategic element of the game.   [b][u]8. What distribution of mobile and PC players do you expect for the official release?[/u][/b]   This estimate is exclusively internal.   [b][u]9. Are you planning a major update for the game's first anniversary?[/u][/b]   No, there won't be a major update for August 16TH, 2024. With WAVEN still being in early access, we'll reexamine this once the game is in version 1.0.   [b]Question from the chat: do you have an initiative system planned for multiplayer?[/b] As mentioned in the last episode, the cooperative side of the game is under consideration, and that is something we have to look at.   [b][u]10. Will the next Krosmic Mode also go for 2 months? Will our progress be reset?[/u][/b]   The length and rules of the next Krosmic Mode will be based on what we aim to do and the content we'd like to offer. As for resetting progress, this is yet to be determined; we could see having a Krosmic Mode where we would import the data from Classic Mode…   [b][u]11. Do you plan to up the maximum level for characters?[/u][/b]   At this point, we're not planning to change max level for characters or items. If we do revisit this proposal, it would also feature a new progress curve that is of genuine interest.   [b][u]12. Will all the new content be added to Krosmic Mode first? Like Sacriers, Osamodas, etc.[/u][/b]   As previously noted, we will only offer Krosmic Modes if they are of interest. Not all of the new content will automatically be offered in early access with a Krosmic Mode. We've said that we intend to offer the Sacrier class in a special Krosmic Mode. For the Osamodas, we're still considering it.   [b][u]Question from the chat: will there be new Sacrier spells or items in the Sacrier Krosmic Mode?[/u][/b]   We won't reveal anything yet.   [b][u]Question from the chat: when will the next Krosmic Mode be released?[/u][/b]   We still won't reveal anything yet.   [b][u]Question from the chat: will dungeons' difficulty level be increased?[/u][/b]   There are no current plans to do so, but we might consider it.   [b][u]13. What changes have you made to the mobile version that caused it to be delayed?[/u][/b]   Since the delay of the mobile release was announced, we have reworked some of the onboarding content for new players (tutorial, character creation, Astrub, new conditions for unlocking menus), plus the daily gifts and certain interfaces. We are still applying player feedback to make the game more user-friendly. We have added new expansions (Albuera, Necroworld) and new game modes (Time Portal). We think the WAVEN application is at a good level of quality to be opened up to the general public, and we're continuing to work on it with each update. We hope that all players who download it will be happy with it!   [b][u]Question from the chat: will you be keeping the Apostruker Scalpel as a healer in the simplified character creation view?[/u][/b]   We are aware that the description of the heroes shown could use some changes.   [b][u]14. Are you going to make Paladir builds more varied? They are too focused on ATTACK.[/u][/b]   We don't agree with that assessment. The results of the survey at the end of Krosmic Mode – Necros indicate the opposite. When designing the Paladir heroes, we made sure each one could get something out of different play styles. Certain heroes get more out of certain archetypes (ATTACK, MAGIC, COMPANIONS) than others, and we'll continue rebalancing them.   [b][u]15. Why are most of the island nation quests only doable SOLO?[/u][/b]   The majority of quests on the island nations can be done in co-op. Only three quests in Bonta, one in Brakmar, and one in Amakna can only be done solo. For the main quest, technical and gameplay constraints require it to be completed in single-player. We want everyone to do the main quest at their own pace, while the co-op side is rewarded in other game modes to gain XP, farm for equipment, and so on.   [h2][u](BONUS) MORE QUESTIONS FROM CHAT[/u][/h2]   [b][u]16. Do you have a guild system planned?[/u][/b]   Yes, this system is still slated for 2024.   [b][u]17. Are you planning to redesign the 20-point Ether spells?[/u][/b]   We know these spells aren't very popular because their effects are reset with each use. This change was needed to prevent overuse, but we're aware they have lost value, and we're going to explore how to them more appealing.   [b][u]18. How many heroes will the Sacrier class get?[/u][/b]   We're currently planning on five heroes for the Sacrier class.   [b][u]19. How do you plan to make the class-specific elemental spells, which are currently dominated by the Necromic and Albueran spells, more appealing?[/u][/b]   We recognize that the Necromic and Albueran spells are powerful. Our goal is to make them more situational, whereas elemental spells should be the primary choice in decks. We're rebalancing things to achieve this goal.   [b][u]20. Why space out the release of new heroes and classes so much?[/u][/b]   As stated in a previous episode, the creation of new heroes and classes takes a lot of time and resources. This includes creating visuals, designing and balancing spells, along with animation and sound design. Each new piece of content requires choices in terms of allocating resources and prioritizing.   [b][u]20. Part 2 - Aren't there already Sacrier heroes, though?[/u][/b]   There are, but they need an extensive overhaul to perfectly integrate with the game in its current state.   [b][u]21. Are you going to improve housing?[/u][/b]   Housing is something we'd like to develop more, but there are no immediate plans to do so.   [b][u]22. Is there a chance that Sacrier heroes' appearance will change?[/u][/b]   No, the Sacrier heroes as they appeared in the latest alpha are the final versions.   [b][u]23. Are you planning to add hero skins to the shop?[/u][/b]   Yes, we'll be offering more skins for heroes, as well as world and combat effects, to add variety to the customization options.   [b][u]24. Still no Eliatropes/Eliotropes/Ecaflips on the agenda?[/u][/b]   No, we're focusing on the Sacrier and Osamodas heroes first before we consider other classes.   [b][u]25. How are you coming along with co-op, haven islands, the asynchronous arena?[/u][/b]   All three of those are things we'd like to work on, but we don't have anything to share about them for now.   [b][u]26. Do you have anything planned for PvP?[/u][/b]   We're still working on balancing, and we recognize the interest in potential improvements, but this isn't a priority for us this year.   [b][u]27. Will there be a global recruitment or general chat?[/u][/b]   No, but we'd like to enhance social features and multiplayer/co-op.   [b][u]27. Part 2 - Will there be guild chat?[/u][/b]   Very likely, yes.   [b][u]28. Could you add game modes for max-level characters only?[/u][/b]   We recognize that the current late game could be expanded and developed. We're gradually adding content for high-level characters, like Albuera and the Necroworld with the fight against Toross Mordal. We are actively discussing the late game, and we have things planned for players.   [b][u]29. What is your vision for co-op?[/u][/b]   We want to make the game as enjoyable in co-op as it is in single-player. WAVEN is a multiplayer game that allows for adventuring with friends, and we'd like to reinforce that aspect.   [b][u]30. Do you plan to add new "families" of companions, like the Brotherhood of the Tofu?[/u][/b]   In our latest expansions, Albuera and Necroworld, we added thematic effects that reinforce the characters' identity. If other expansions allow for the introduction of new "families" with specific effects, we'll consider them.   [b][u]31. Is the game more geared toward PvP or PvE?[/u][/b]   We give attention to both of these modes. PvE enjoys broader content, but we're still working to balance PvP and we recognize the need for improvement.   [b][u]32. Are you still planning to release Q3 and Q4?[/u][/b]   [i]Q3 is the "boss fight" system, and Q4 is the "boss fight with waves of monsters". [/u]These modes are still under consideration, but they're not planned yet.   [b][u]33. Are you going to roll out certain season fights again for anyone who missed them?[/u][/b]   Yes, we plan to do that.   [b][u]34. Do you intend to moderate inappropriate nicknames seen in the game?[/u][/b]   Currently, an automated moderation system is in effect. It is imperfect and sometimes requires human moderation. We're planning to gradually improve it.   [b][u]35. Will Necro spells still be available from Miranda?[/u][/b]   At this point we have no plans to remove them.   [b][u]36. Are you going to add an in-combat damage preview like in DOFUS?[/u][/b]   No, that's not on the agenda.   [b][u]37. What is the difference between HEALTH STEAL and DRAIN?[/u][/b]   DRAIN is a percentage of a hero's ATTACK converted into HEAL, whereas HEALTH STEAL converts the damage inflicted by a spell into HEAL. We are aware this distinction can be confusing.   [b][u]38. Will it be possible to enhance companions' survivability, particularly for high-level combat?[/u][/b]   If a build is geared toward companions, they shouldn't have any issues with survivability. However, certain companions need to be rebalanced.   [b][u]39. Do you plan to change pushback spells, such as allowing me to choose if I want a 1- or 2-cell pushback?[/u][/b]   Pushback spells are varied; some let you choose the number of cells, others do not. This is a game design choice.   [h2][u]STREAMING[/u][/h2]If you want to [b]watch the livestream again[/b] (in French with English subtitles): [url=https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2183915053?filter=all&sort=time]TWITCH REPLAY[/url] See you soon in the next session, The WAVEN Team