WAVEN Livestream – Q&A #2 | Answers


Forge your own destiny! Choose your character, equip your best spells and sail from island to island in quest of fortune and glory. Level up your hero and your strategy in this free-to-play tactical multiplayer RPG with unique colorful graphics.

On [b]Tuesday, April 30th[/b], we invited you to a livestream dedicated to questions from the community. See our answers to your questions now! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44049144/93d6c8f2a882b7179659e0c1113f7710a6ca22d8.png[/img]   Many of you submitted your questions, and even more voted for them! We collected the most popular questions in each WAVEN community to answer which you'll find below.   [h2][u]Your Questions and Our Answers[/u][/h2]   [u][b][u]1. Why didn't you do the same you did for Astramantis Pike, with a direct early-access release of the hero in Classic Mode for a fee?[/u][/b][/u] Krosmic Mode is a new game mode that allows us to freely redesign the player experience without impacting Classic Mode. For our first time running Krosmic Mode, we went with a common theme you see throughout the WAKFU series: the Necroworld. This was so we could develop an event based on this location and incorporate the Paladir heroes at the same time. When the Albuera expansion was released, we hadn't yet developed Krosmic Mode, but it was a theme we could have addressed in that game mode. Please note that we won't be rolling out a Krosmic Mode for all content expansions but will be picking and choosing events based on how much value they may add. [u][b]2. Are you planning to revise the game's progression system, perhaps for something less farm-based?[/b][/u] Currently, our game mechanics focus mainly on intensive farming to level up to 50 with equipment, characters and companions, and thus unlock the full potential of deckbuilding. However, once this threshold is reached, the only way to optimize is on a skills basis, which creates a glass ceiling for progression. And what do you do after that? We are aware that we need to think beyond this limitation, which would pave the way for a fresh, potentially more dynamic, boosted progression. As for more collaborative progression, especially in terms of helping new players, one avenue we're exploring is the guild system. Newcomers could join a guild and get the benefit of equipment, and experience points and it would make it easier to form groups for combat, among other useful things. Please note that guilds are planned for 2024, as announced in our roadmap for this year. Further details will be announced shortly. As for progress in Krosmic Mode, we should learn some helpful lessons from this initial version to help us plan for the next ones. [b][u]3. What kind of players will you be focusing on in the future?[/u][/b] WAVEN sets itself apart as a wonderful, promising and complex game. As the culmination of the DOFUS and WAKFU trilogy, it inherits exceptional depth from its illustrious predecessors. The challenge for WAVEN lies in standing out from its siblings while contributing its own unique essence. We attach great importance to the cross-platform aspect of the game. It offers a satisfying experience for players of all abilities, whether on mobile/tablet or PC. PC gamers generally devote multiple hours to their gaming sessions whereas mobile players tend to have more limited time available. We feel sure that the mobile version will expand our international audience more effectively than at present. [u][b]Chat question: When will the mobile version be released?[/b][/u] The mobile version is still slated for general release in 2024. We decided to postpone its release, initially announced for the end of 2023, so that we could continue our work on fine-tuning it. At the time, we weren't sufficiently satisfied with the quality of the application, but today we're almost there. [u][b]Do you have any details you can share about Eliotrope heroes?[/b][/u] For the moment, we have no plans for an Eliatrope or Eliotrope class. In our first Q&A livestream this year, we merely mentioned that we'd explored some gameplay through battles in the Time Portal where you could play as Yugo or Qilby, but a full-fledged class is not on the agenda. We already have the Sacrier class and its five heroes coming out this year, in 2024, then the Osamodas class will follow in 2025; it's only once these two classes are in game that we would have a chance to consider the possibility of integrating a new one. [u][b]5. Can we expect Draconic heroes if Draconic spells are reintroduced?[/b][/u] It's always a possibility. We explain the appearance of the Paladir heroes by the Necro invasion of the World of Twelve; this being the opportune moment to reintroduce Necromic spells and items. If the opportunity arises, we might consider reintroducing Draconic spells (which we'd have to rework) and, perhaps, heroes tied to this theme. That said, we haven't got this in the pipeline at the moment. [u][b]6. Are you planning to increase XP gains for players with multiple alts?[/b][/u] It's a possibility we haven't ruled out; we still need to gather more data about progression as a whole. We might, for example, consider a system similar to DOFUS, which has a sliding scale of bonuses based on the level difference between the highest character and the lower ones, or, for example, introduce a system specific to WAVEN, like something for each god. [u][b]7. Are you planning to improve the game's co-op side?[/b][/u] This is an ongoing project that some of our team are working on already. At the moment, we're aware that the cooperative and community aspects of the game need to be improved in a number of areas including combat with Elite monsters, initiative, companions with effects that may or may not be triggered by allied players, in-game chat, the group system, and so on. It's a big job that will see improvements with each new update. We're also already planning slight redesigns for certain heroes whose passives will encourage cooperation in combat, increasing the number of solo and group builds, as well as a new chat room. [u][b]Chat question: Are you planning to include an initiative stat like with DOFUS and WAKFU, based on the build?[/b][/u] This is something we're definitely looking into. [u][b]8. Are there any plans to add alternative rewards to FTRs in future Krosmic Modes for quests that have already been completed?[/b][/u] We already did an initial test with Miranda and Kabrok's store, where you can get helpful resources such as runes, kamas, and chests, and so on, in exchange for Wakfu fragments. We wanted to see how impactful such offers would be in game, and their price based on the amount available, and so on. Depending on the data we collect from the initial release of Krosmic Mode, we'll be able to decide whether or not to add these offers to Classic Mode. For the FTRs, we will analyze the Krosmic Mode data and adapt them as necessary. [u][b]Chat question: How will we get Necromic spells if Miranda doesn't provide them in Classic Mode?[/b][/u] This is obviously an issue we need to find a solution for. Items (equipment, companions) will be included in rotating loot. [b][u]9. Are there any updates planned for Classic Mode when Krosmic Mode is underway?[/u][/b] Content that was playable in early access will generally get added to Classic Mode after. All changes and fixes from any patches will apply to both game modes. [u][b]Chat question: Could a balancing update be rolled out at the same time?[/b][/u] Yes. [u][b]10. What classes do you plan to release after Sacrier and Osamodas?[/b][/u] We prefer to focus on the Sacrier and Osamodas classes before thinking about the next potential candidates. [u][b]11. What are your plans for items that have already been maximized and that still drop in rewards?[/b][/u] In our 2024 roadmap, we talked about Prestige Levels, which will enable you to infinitely increase your characters' progression without affecting their power. We'd like to focus on cosmetic items that will increase the customization element and show your progress beyond level 50. This system is still under development. [u][b]12. When the Sacrier and Osamodas classes come out, will they have Paladir heroes?[/b][/u] We aren't planning on that, but we aren't opposed to the idea. We could also introduce an "extraordinary" hero, like Astramantis Pike, when both classes are in game. But we're not going to promise anything as of yet. [u][b]13. Will there be variations in companions (like a young Joris and an old Joris) who have different gameplay?[/b][/u] For the time being, you only have variations in appearance for certain companions (Bull, Cadence), but we don't plan for them to have different gameplay. [u][b]14. Will you be running seasonal events, such as an Al Howin event, with a dedicated island or specific objectives you have to get on certain monster islands?[/b][/u] Yes, we want to, but it's not on the drawing board yet. Although, seasonal events do already exist in the Time Portal, depending on the current season. [u][b]15. Are you going to be doing seasons based on the older series of the WAKFU series, like a fight between Percedal and Rubilax, for example?[/b][/u] That's one avenue we could go down. Remember that, during KrosmoNote 2024, we told you all about Heroic Quests that would plunge players into a narrative and gameplay experience where they can relive events from every age of the Krosmoz. Perhaps a fight where you play Percedal who has to fight his Shushu Rubilax might be an idea…   [h2][u](BONUS) More Questions from Chat…[/u][/h2][h2][u][b]16. What have you got planned for the Haven Islands?[/b][/u][/h2] There's a particular avenue we want to explore with the guilds that will be arriving soon… [u][b]17. Are we getting any nation-themed cosmetics (Bonta, Brakmar, Amakna)?[/b][/u] There are no plans for that at the moment, but it could be an interesting way to go. [u][b]18. When will Book II of Story Mode arrive?[/b][/u] The follow-up to Story Mode with Book II is scheduled for 2024. We don't have a date for you yet. [u][b]19. Are you going to introduce larger islands for exploration?[/b][/u] We've haven't planned on it, no, as we already think that exploring the island nations is relatively time-consuming. At the same time, we wanted to take this idea of getting "lost in exploring" further with the Necroworld, through its different rooms and districts. Remember that, in WAVEN, the majority of the World of Twelve is submerged by water, much more of it than in the WAKFU Era. Only a few islands and islets remain. [u][b]20. Will the Krosmic Modes follow on from each other, or will there be a break between them?[/b][/u] The Krosmic Modes will be separated from each other by a break of several months. [u][b]21. Are you going to be introducing shortcuts back to players' boats?[/b][/u] This shortcut used to exist before, but we decided to remove it. We want players to wander around the islands, creating movement and not disappearing in the middle to sail off to another destination. [u][b]22. Do you plan to add any utility channels, such as a recruitment channel in the chat?[/b][/u] That's one of the things we were considering for improving the community side of the game. [u][b]23. When will the mobile version be available?[/b][/u] The mobile version is still scheduled for 2024. [u][b]24. Any news on PvX mode?[/b][/u] Asynchronous Mode is still on the drawing board, but it's not our current priority. [u][b]25. Could we be getting Frigost Island at some point?[/b][/u] Perhaps a few destinations from the World of Twelve that we know from DOFUS and WAKFU could gradually see the light of day in WAVEN. [u][b]26. You talked about a competitive ranking for Krosmic Mode. Is it going to happen any time soon?[/b][/u] Yes, we just ran out of time to release it for this initial run of Krosmic Mode. You will be getting a competitive ranking for future Krosmic Modes. [u][b]27. Do you plan to add new island nations, such as Sufokia, and more monster islands?[/b][/u] There are no plans in the works for this right now because a monster island takes so much collaboration and work between all the game teams. It's not the kind of content we can put together quickly and easily. That said, if a transmedia event featuring a nation we haven't yet developed in WAVEN (such as Sufokia) gets rolled out at Ankama, perhaps we'll consider integrating it. [u][b]28. Will we be able to replay old season fights, even without the rewards?[/b][/u] We haven't got plans to do that as yet, but it's an idea we still like. [u][b]29. Are you planning to add dungeons and merchants to the island nations?[/b][/u] Monster island peddlers require island currency, which you can get by fighting on the island in question, as well as through daily quests. However, there are no daily quests on island nations. Historically, you could only get island currency through dailies, but it's now also available through fights. As a result, we decided not to include peddlers in the island nations. We might reconsider if there is strong demand from the community for this. [u][b]30. Are there any plans for season fights that can be fought on both game modes, and which can take a lot of time if you want get all the Wakfu fragments?[/b][/u] Our aim when we create season fights is to make sure they don't take long to complete and that they're in-depth enough for anybody who wants to try joining the rankings. Thanks to your feedback, we also know that season fights can quickly get tiresome when you have to use up tens of season tickets before the end of the current season; this is a problem we need to find a solution for. [u][b]31. Are you planning to revamp the alternative routes for dungeons?[/b][/u] There aren't any plans for that yet, but we know players can overlook them. [u][b]32. Have you thought about doing any collaborations?[/b][/u] We've already collaborated with some great artists and writers (Tony Valente, Gary Vanaka, Vincent Nghiem, to mention but a few) on skins, and more are on the way! [u][b]33. Are you planning to share deck slots between Krosmic Mode and Classic Mode?[/b][/u] We were thinking of this for future versions of Krosmic Mode; it's something we want to do very much. [u][b]34. Is there a way for F2P players to get skins?[/b][/u] It's currently possible to get 25 free gems a week from the battle pass; we changed the daily gifts that gave you gems from time to time. [u][b]35. Will the cosmetics from old Battle Passes return to the store?[/b][/u] This is something we could explore. [u][b]36. Are you planning on any cooperative content for more than three players?[/b][/u] No comment from the team… [u][b]37. Do you plan to introduce more character slots?[/b][/u] Currently, the number of character slots is unlimited. You should be able to see this on the character selection page. [u][b]38. Are we going to get the option to change our characters' color?[/b][/u] We're not planning a DOFUS or WAKFU-style system, but instead we're expanding our range of cosmetics and skins to provide more in-depth character customization. Lately, we've been rolling out Chromatic Skins, which are the basic hero skins with alternative colors, at a reduced price. [u][b]39. Are you planning any content improvements for Krosmic Mode when it gets rolled out in Classic Mode?[/b][/u] Based on your feedback, we'll be adjusting certain content (difficulty, progression speed, etc.). Once it arrives in Classic Mode, this content will be much smoother and more rewarding. [u][b]40. What's your opinion on balancing attack decks compared with magic decks?[/b][/u] We are aware that, the way things are balanced currently, magic decks are more appealing than others. Balancing is a core area that is getting iterated over all of our updates. [u][b]41. Is there going to be a hero mode for playing multiple characters at the same time?[/b][/u] No, we prefer players to help each other in cooperative content rather than playing on their own. [u][b]42. Are we going to be able to use items from PvE in PvP?[/b][/u] We made a deliberate decision not to have any equipment (rings, armbands) or skills transfer across to PvP. [u][b]43. Will the maximum level always be 50?[/b][/u] We haven't got any plans right now to change this level cap. [u][b]44. Are you planning to revamp the challenges?[/b][/u] We don't see any reason to, but perhaps we'll come up with some new challenges later. [u][b]45. Will you be including boots or amulets in the equipment?[/b][/u] We don't plan to, no. We don't want to add in new items if we don't see the benefit in terms of gameplay. [u][b]46. Will there be any rare loot in the game (like DOFUS with Dofus eggs)?[/b][/u] Maybe… Not for the time being though. [u][b]47. How do I change my in-game nickname?[/b][/u] This is not currently possible. Perhaps one day, we'll have a service allowing you to do just that. [u][b]48. Is there going to be a crafting system at some point?[/b][/u] No plans for that currently, no.   [h2][u]Streaming[/u][/h2]If you want to [b]watch the livestream again[/b] (in French with English subtitles):   [url=http://www.twitch.tv/videos/2076196751]TWITCH REPLAY[/url] See you soon in the next session, The WAVEN Team