Version 0.19.0


Forge your own destiny! Choose your character, equip your best spells and sail from island to island in quest of fortune and glory. Level up your hero and your strategy in this free-to-play tactical multiplayer RPG with unique colorful graphics.

[h2][u]1. CLASSES & HEROES[/u][/h2][h2]1.1. CRA[/h2][h3]Piven Bow[/h3][list] [*]The [b]Piven Audacity[/b] and [b]Piven Reinforcement[/b] skills have been improved so they combine better.[/*][/list][h2]1.2. IOP[/h2][h3]Stalaktoss Glaive[/h3][list] [*][b]Ice Clones[/b] now appear systematically. [list] [*][i]Previously, interactions could stop them from appearing, for example when a Ninja Pig would teleport to the supposed spawn cell.[/i][/*] [/list] [/*][/list][h2][u]2. PVE[/u][/h2][h2]2.1. CRA[/h2][h3]Arcarius Paladir[/h3][b]Arcarius Power[/b][list] [*]The passive can now trigger if the target is an ally.[/*][/list][h2][u]3. ERGONOMICS[/u][/h2][list] [*]In the [b]Deck Editor[/b] (I), the search field is properly reapplied when changing categories.[/*] [*]It is now possible to skip dialogs in cutscenes by interacting with any part of the screen.[/*] [*]New visual effects to facilitate comprehension of the Air Quarter puzzles in the Necroworld have been added.[/*][/list][h2][u]4. BUG FIXES[/u][/h2][h2]4.1. CLASSES & HEROES[/h2][b]Shadow Skin[/b][list] [*]The spell's PvP effect no longer applies in PvE.[/*][/list] [b]Brutal Sicar Trap[/b][list] [*]The spell is now classified as a trap spell and properly receives the AP reduction when possible.[/*][/list] [b]Sicarius Aggression[/b][list] [*]The spell's effect now works properly even if the target is an ally.[/*][/list][h2]4.2. EQUIPMENT[/h2][b]Affinities[/b][list] [*]The [b]Lightning Damage Bonus[/b] affinity is now [b]Thunder Damage Bonus.[/b][/*][/list] [b]O'Ghur Ring[/b][list] [*]The description of its effect has been changed to better match its effect.[/*][/list] [b]Piven Recharge[/b][list] [*]The value of DART gain bonuses now displays properly.[/*][/list] [b]Sloe Ring[/b][list] [*]The damage bonus no longer stacks on DART auras.[/*][/list] [b]Explosive Armband[/b][list] [*]The [b]Improved Effect[/b] skill no longer triggers three explosions.[/*][/list][h2]4.3. COMPANIONS[/h2][list] [*][b]Yugo[/b] can now be summoned even if [b]Yugo, Az's Companion[/b] is present on the field and vice-versa.[/*][/list] [b]Piktus Support[/b][list] [*]The interaction of the passive with Qilby and Lance Dur has been fixed.[/*][/list] [b]Adamai[/b][list] [*]Now does damage to mechanisms.[/*][/list] [b]Bump[/b][list] [*][i](COOP)[/i] The [b]Bodyguard[/b] effect no longer disappears at the end of the turn of the monster designated as the fight Champion.[/*][/list] [b]Igole[/b][list] [*]Finishing off an opponent with SPAWN damage gained via his skill no longer ruins the effect of his passive.[/*][/list] [b][i]Brotherhood of the Forgotten[/i] Companions[/b][list] [*]The [i]Brotherhood of the Forgotten[/i] passive now lowers the cost of the first spell in hand that does not have a base cost of 0 AP.[/*][/list][h2]4.4. PVE[/h2][b]Tako Reserve[/b][list] [*]The damage bonus is no longer consumed when a spell is played by another entity.[/*][/list] [b]Nocturnal Transformation[/b][list] [*]The spells given by certain companions are now properly destroyed when they are transformed.[/*][/list] [b]Surokan Silence[/b][list] [*]Its skill now properly applies Fracture on the target.[/*][/list] [b]Strategic Move[/b][list] [*]The spell no longer requires you to interact with your hero before indicating the destination cell.[/*][/list] [b]Albuera Peat, Albuera Hail[/b][list] [*]These spells' Quintessences now properly receive the spell damage bonuses.[/*][/list] [b]Quest – Boddy in Bonta[/b][list] [*]Flames can now be put out with the ASTRAL state.[/*][/list][h2]4.5. PVP[/h2][b]Recycling[/b][list] [*]The reduction is no longer consumed after casting a spell with a base cost of 0 AP.[/*][/list] [b]Sinister Mastery[/b][list] [*]The spell no longer gives shield to identical Sinistros on the opposing team.[/*][/list] [b]Hioplite Crossing[/b][list] [*]The spell now works properly in PvP.[/*][/list][h2]4.6. QUESTS[/h2][list] [*]It is no longer necessary to win the fights in the daily quests that don't ask you to do so.[/*] [*]In the [b]Trial by Fire[/b] daily quest, one Fire Spirit is now correctly summoned for each player on the team.[/*] [*]In the [b]Five Club[/b] quest in Bonta, the Sumo Whisperer monster's effect now applies properly.[/*][/list][h2]4.7. ACHIEVEMENTS[/h2][list] [*]The [b]Crackler Dungeon[/b] achievements below have been fixed: [list] [*]Play the Submission spell 50 times[/*] [*]Play the Badabang spell 50 times[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]All of the achievements containing the keywords "Eliminate […] first" now validate properly, even if an entity that is not a character is destroyed. [list] [*][i]For example: mechanisms.[/i][/*] [/list] [/*] [*]The achievements in [b]Tatty Campington[/b]'s quest below have been fixed: [list] [*]Win a fight, finishing off a Crobak last[/*] [*]Win a fight, finishing off a Degenerate Wabbit last[/*] [*]Win the Chapter V fight in Platinum, finishing off the Degenerate Wabbit last[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]The achievement [b]Win the Chapter X fight in Platinum with Polo Nyan having 0 ATTACK[/b] now works properly.[/*] [*]The achievement [b]Endure the UNSTABLE state 50 times[/b] has been fixed and its counter now increments properly.[/*][/list][h2]4.8. SYSTEMS & IMPROVEMENTS[/h2][list] [*]When an item is at maximum level, value increases are no longer shown for upgrades to a higher level.[/*][/list][h2]4.9. MISCELLANEOUS[/h2][list] [*]Several instances where the fight board was abnormally empty have been fixed.[/*] [*]In the Necroworld: [list] [*]Interaction windows in the Air Quarter puzzles on mobile devices have been fixed.[/*] [*]The achievement page for the Quarters now unlocks properly when you enter the corresponding Quarter.[/*] [*]The elemental effect around certain bosses in the Quarters now displays properly.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]In the Daily Quest interface, the NPC's sound now plays and loops properly every time.[/*] [*]Skipping cutscenes in SOLO fights now no longer requires you to wait for the other members of the group.[/*] [*]On mobile devices, the camera no longer moves if you "drag" near a playable character or spell in combat.[/*] [*]In PvP, certain instances where camera movements could be inverted have been fixed.[/*] [*]When navigating through the game options menu, it is now possible to exit the various windows.[/*] [*]The final competitive end-of-season ranking has been fixed.[/*] [*]The Upgrade button has been removed from Brooches.[/*] [*]The display of slabs and traps has been fixed in certain cases.[/*] [*]When adding or removing a hero from your favorites, the loading icon no longer appears incorrectly.[/*] [*]On mobile devices, the hero selection page no longer closes systematically when adding a new character.[/*] [*]The Grandmother NPC in Astrub now has a shadow.[/*] [*]The displayed number of copies owned when an item is drawn several times in Chests has been fixed.[/*][/list]