Greetings, warriors!
We are pleased to present you version 0.9.0. This is an important version, marking the transition to the final stage of development - work on balance. The main change is a decrease in the amount of experience and gold gained by units. Hiring units has become more expensive by one and a half times, which makes this event more significant for the player.
On high difficulty settings Veterum has finally become hardcore! Dear hardcore players, boldly put the maximum number of enemies and enjoy bloody battles!
Other changes:
- The algorithm that determines the amount of reward for completing missions has been changed. Completing missions has become more profitable;
- 5 new units (you won't be able to see all of them in the demo version);
- cornflower dust now also appears on manually created maps;
- the difference in the cost of goods in different cities has been significantly reduced;
- finally fixed the old bug with incorrect determination of the race of the killed enemy;
- corrected the change of Battle Spirit in battle;
- added unit highlighting;
- the selected unit now steps in place;
- added a visual effect to show enemies suddenly appearing on the battlefield;
- the game now remembers the location of the proposed mission (in the demo version due to the limitation of the world map it may not always work correctly);
- a lot of changes in the characteristics of units and the cost of their improvements;
- adjusted the number of enemies depending on the difficulty level selected in the settings;
- some maps have been finalized;
- a lot of minor improvements and corrections...
WARNING: Old saves will not work!
Veterum will be released in 2025, most likely in the fall. We don't know yet if it will be early access or a full release.
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to everyone!