Important tweaks to the generated missions

Warriors! The system of random mission generation has undergone major changes. Finally, difficulty levels and threat levels are generated and calculated correctly, as originally intended by the authors. Of course, work in this direction will continue, but it will be a fine-tuning of the balance. And. of course, we have fixed another batch of bugs. Changes in version 0.8.3: - fixed a bug with battles in arenas. Remember, these are difficult fights against dangerous opponents! - the difficulty of random quests is now generated correctly. Previously, too big "step" was used, which made missions either too easy or, more often, too hard; - the difficulty of side quests is now correctly reflected in the panel on the left; - slightly adjusted algorithm of random maps and armies generation; - fixed a bug with double army pay. You noticed that something was wrong, didn't you? - added names of geographical objects to the world map; - correct accounting of units left in towns when calculating threat levels; - when resting (the "Wait" button) in cities now spends only half of the army's salary; - some other small things. These changes were not easy for us, it took us a lot of time to find hidden bugs and inaccuracies in the generation logic. Please add Veterum to your Steam wish-list, subscribe to the Discord channel and Twitter: