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100% Orange Juice

100% Orange Juice is a digital multiplayer board game populated by developer Orange Juice's all-star cast. Characters from Flying Red Barrel, QP Shooting, Suguri and Sora come together with all-new characters to duke it out... with dice.

- Fixed misplaced NPC dialogue bubbles. - Fixed BH inventory overlapping with fullscreen events. - Restored missing Cursed Syrup effect. - Fixed incorrect BH shield stock amounts (Wooden/Iron/Mithril are now 2/4/4). - Fixed BH shields out-of-battle damage reduction amounts. - Fixed bakery sweets' stock effects being invisible. - Fixed Home Defense counting as card damage. - Fixed missing text on Flying Castle's Co-op unit card as well as reversion of passive and hyper card descriptions. - Fixed an issue where players might crash on result screen if someone left during the results. - Fixed some missing translations.