Version with fixed crashes is on default branch!

[h1]⛄️Dear snow plowers🏔️ [/h1] [h3]Now version with fixed crashes is on default branch[/h3] [b]If you played yesterday on Beta: [/b] [b]Please switch version to default now. If you encounter any crashes - let us know! They should not occur, however, if they do - write to us immediately.[/b] In addition, in this version, we have added an additional tab on how to support us: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42941814/8529701ff292e096e0fb1eb1abab98b5ed536d4c.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42941814/3a6bf6e9ac98e8e06cf9c19005e922c2371827ba.jpg[/img] [b]Over the past few weeks, the in-game car repair and Fatal Error fix have halted our work on bugs and adding new content to the game. However, we can now say: We are already working on the next update which fixes the bugs you have recently reported and introduces new content - stay tuned![/b] Love You💗 SPS Team