Hotfix For Snow Plowing

[h1]☃️Hey snow fans!❄️🌨️[/h1] [h3]We've got some quick info for you - we've fixed 2 annoying bugs you reported to us:[/h3] [b]1. With additional orders on property - on those orders where you have to clear a larger area of snow (and which are well paid), a bug crept in - despite showing the area needed to clear snow on the map in the corner of the screen, the additional snow was not highlighted (I've highlighted it in red), only that which was already included in the first order (green colour). Now everything is highlighted :D [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42941814/b94c7f28b30f1684033720319a31df1893548da1.jpg[/img] 2. With the detail settings and ‘show for continuous snow clearing’ - where when you click Q the blue area should not disappear - and by this bug while driving and plowing the area - the blue information has disappeared . This was caused by the car momentarily pulling away from the ground at certain times, which the game read as its not being present in the area, causing the highlighting to turn off. This no longer happens now! We would like to say a big thank you to the players Scottybbooyy, MrFraxis and Thamuz on Discord who reported these bugs to us.[/b] [b]How to contact us with bugs? Do it via discord 📢[/b] [b]Or via the Steam discussion📢[/b] [b]How to support Snow Plowing Simulator? The easiest way is to share your opinion of our game with others on Steam or among your friends. Thank you very much💝 Love You SPS Team [/b]