Bug with vehicles fixed!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42941814/c79db5b13f03de2e77e63b0a37b7eb9e49c6ebd2.png[/img] [h1]☃️Hey Snow Plowing fans!❄️🌨️[/h1] [h3]We have a small update for you which fixes a vehicle bug![/h3] [b]Unfortunately, despite several days of hard work, we were unable to find the cause of the levitation of some vehicles: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42941814/29bf33c8811b0ff27ed4d8bd609db0a2536bc62e.png[/img] It must be some old Atlantean inhabitant messing with the code, some yet undiscovered Yeti! But we are providing a cure for this anomaly. It is this latest patchːthebuilderː If you encounter such an error - exit the game, restart it and load the save - this fixes the problem. If you still encounter such a levitating vehicle - please write to us under what specific circumstances it appeared - what I was doing and in what order before it happened - this will help us find the cause! We would like to say a big thank you to the players ЭН, Import and ZwoLsky on Discord who reported these bugs to us.[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42941814/16609e9614fb3f0116bf9bda57459d1bb7f68e14.jpg[/img] We intend to publish a milestone optimisation update in the very near future. Stay tuned! [b]How to contact us with bugs? Do it via discord 📢[/b] https://discord.gg/76N77uHWkc [b]Or via the Steam discussion📢[/b] https://steamcommunity.com/app/2096030/discussions/0/ [b]How to support Snow Plowing Simulator? The easiest way is to share your opinion of our game with others on Steam or among your friends. Thank you very much💝 Love You SPS Team [/b]