Version 1.13.4f

Pummel Party

Pummel Party is a 4-8 player online and local-multiplayer party game. Pummel friends or AI using a wide array of absurd items in the board mode and compete to destroy friendships in the unique collection of minigames.

[h1]1.13.4f[/h1] [h2]Added[/h2] [list] [*]Added a button to clone a ruleset, creating a new ruleset with the same settings. [*](Mod Editor) Actions within the Logic Component's "Hit" and "Weapon Hit" triggers can now target the 'Activator'. That's the object that hit or shot the logic trigger. [*](Mod Editor) Added support for importing .mp3 and .ogg audio files for use in mods. [/list] [h2]Changed[/h2] [list] [*] The Default ruleset can no longer be directly edited. [*] Updated the appearance of the ruleset menu slightly. [*] Rulesets are now sorted alphabetically (excluding the Default ruleset, which is always first). [*] Board Modifier descriptions are now shown at the top of the ruleset menu when hovering over their ruleset option. [/list] [h2]Fixed[/h2] [list] [*](Mod Editor) Fixed the 'Damage Player' action not removing a player's Cactus if "Drop Keys" wasn't enabled. [*](Mod Editor) Fixed an instance of a bug causing keyboard input to stop working sometimes after deleting objects. [*](Mod Editor) Fixed the 'Set Placement' action not working on any rounds after the first in multi-round minigames. [/list] The previous patch, 1.13.4e, didn't have patch notes but fixed an issue with rulesets that caused some players to become stuck in the mid-game pummel awards, or become unable to roll the dice on their first turn. Please let us know if you are still experiencing either of these issues. Thank you to everyone for playing, reporting bugs and offering feedback and suggestions!