Version 1.1.3 is out!


People swept mines for long years but now the game has changed! Welcome to Downbreak; the gravity based minesweeper. Experience a true classic reimagined with more features than ever!

Hello again! It was about time for a small update, this version brings full compatibility for 4:3 aspect ratio and some minor graphical improvements. Also, there was a serious bug in the challenge mode which the level curses were not showing, now they can be played properly. As always, if you encounter any bug, please report it in the bug reporting thread. [b]Versions 1.1.3 Log:[/b] [list] [*][Added] - Full resolution support for aspect ratios as low as 4:3. (Horizontal Black bars removed) [*][Added] - Several game events will produce subtle particle effects on click. [*][Changed] - Some animations and transitions has been slightly smoothed. [*][Changed] - Small modifications to the Level/Match result screens were made. [*][Changed] - A few grammar changes were done around. [*][Fixed] - Curses were not showing in challenge mode levels. [*][Fixed] - The lamps textures were not changing in classic, challenge and infinite mode to match the currect active theme. [/list] [i]Wishing you all the best. Emmanuel (earrgames).[/i]