Version 1.0.5 is live on Steam

Else Heart.Break()

A game about friendship, love and technology in a place where bits have replaced atoms.

[list] [*] Camera will rotate to face north when looking at the map. [*] The modifier has gotten the Connection API ;-) [*] Option added for turning of the "change zoom automatically when moving to a new room / area" behaviour. The previous behaviour is default. [*] Sleepiness is not increased when sitting down, makes it possible to go on the tram forever (it's a kinda nice screensaver?!) [*] The refining computer at the factory can run indefinitely (which is useful...) [*] Games and other programs that froze after 60 seconds of usage should not do that anymore, sorry about that. [*] It's no longer possible to hack computers with security level above 0 by pressing the GUI button when using the computer. [*] Fib's beautiful object is less loud- [*] Computer by the soda storage has been moved down a bit for better looking usage. [*] Bug when talking to a person on the tram is fixed. [*] A bug with Hank the first night at the hotel is fixed. [*] A bug where the beaurocrat would get stuck in the radio station's bathroom is fixed. [*] There's now a dummy file in the save folder to prevent it from being deleted by zip programs and whatnot. [/list]