1.0.7 is live on Steam now

Else Heart.Break()

A game about friendship, love and technology in a place where bits have replaced atoms.

[list] [*] ADDED: If you know a person the tooltip will reflect that by showing the actual name [*] ADDED: SetLabel() and GetLabel() functions in the Extractor, can also be seen in the bag [*] ADDED: HD() function for connecting to external hard drives [*] ADDED: Support for page up and page down keys when using the modifier [*] ADDED: Type() function in Sprak, returns the type of some data as a string [*] TWEAK: The refining machine at the factory is more balanced [*] FIXED: Indentation messes up when writing 'if else' statements (and in some other situations) [*] FIXED: Game hangs when pressing ESC when slurping [*] FIXED: CopyToClipboard() doesn't work on objects that are not in the same scene [*] FIXED: Hank gets stuck during lecture [*] FIXED: Version number is hard to see [*] FIXED: Infinite dialogue loop when talking to the soda salesman [*] FIXED: Can't use alternative keyboard layouts, selecting routes on the internet stops working [/list]