Version 1.0.4 is live on Steam

Else Heart.Break()

A game about friendship, love and technology in a place where bits have replaced atoms.

[h1]Changes[/h1] [list] [*] Added 'HasFunction()' function on all objects. [*] Doors without a code can be unlocked by any key. [*] The SetPosition() function has been removed from the computers who had it, this will invalidate some ways to beat the game that were a bit too boring. These computer have gotten a new function though – GetThingsOfType(), have fun with it! [*] EraseMemory() function for computers with a memory unit. [*] The extractor now has a 'CopyToClipboard()' function. [*] Can't teleport into inventories. [*] Dialogue with the Bouncer in the park can't get stuck in infinite loop. [*] Invariant culture is set by app, should fix bug for some Linux users. [*] An error at Blå Knuten when talking to the bureaucrat in there has been removed. [*] A bug where Pixie wouldn't come out to talk to you has been fixed. [*] Pressing ESC when slurping should not make the game hang with a white screen. [*] Boolean logic should work correctly in all cases (oops!) [/list] [h1]Things that are not fixed yet[/h1] [list] [*] Flashing graphics on Linux [*] Unreadable screens on some hardware, seems to be more of a driver issue though..? [/list]