Don't you love it when numbers grow faster and faster? GrindFest is the pinnacle of idle programming action fanasy RPG genre. Learn how to use C# to make your own bots, make them kill, loot and cooperate with each other. Play as any role or automate everything so you don’t have to play at all.
[h2]New Features[/h2]
[*] Added persistence of last overworld position
[*] New methods [url=]AutomaticParty.BuyFromGoldShop[/url] and [url=]AutomaticParty.GetGoldShopItems[/url]. You can access them using Hero.Party
[*] Added IMGUI Module and Input Module support so you can make UI for your bots
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
[*] Missing PDB files copying issues
[*] Fixed crash when picking up body parts
[*] Fixed inventory items dropping through ground
[*] Fixed VSCodium not closing with application