Version 0.2.210


Don't you love it when numbers grow faster and faster? GrindFest is the pinnacle of idle programming action fanasy RPG genre. Learn how to use C# to make your own bots, make them kill, loot and cooperate with each other. Play as any role or automate everything so you don’t have to play at all.

[h2]New Features[/h2] [*] Added [url=]Party property[/url] to Hero in Script API [*] Fixed handling of top-level statements and class-based bot files to work together [h2]Balance Changes[/h2] [*] Starting hero class stats loweered from 30/20/10 to 10/10/10 [*] Low quality items are weaker, zombies are still very weak enemies [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [*] Immortal creatures (like training dummies) now have gold health bars and show damage numbers [*] Fixed getting stuck at draw bridge and in Depths of Despair and monsters not spawning, it's very work in progess area, it's still very empty. [*] Fixed camera zoom smoothing for smoother gameplay [*] Fixed damage colors for poison and light damage types [*] Fixed [url=]FindNearestItem()[/url] to work without parameters [*] Fixed percentage display in item tooltips, especially for shields