"Picontier" is a story of mystery and fascinating events that occur on an island as the main character, who awakens from a long sleep on the magical island, resumes life from scratch and meets many intriguing islanders. It is a ‘slow life RPG’ that unravels and reveals surprising twists.
We apologize to those who have waited for Picontier for so long.
After the release of this final major update "Ver 1.0", we have finally completed the project.
We would like to thank all the Players and fans who have supported us since the game's first announcement.
And to those who gave us a lot of feedback in Early Access phase,
We thank you very much for your feedback and cooperation.
In the end, we are confident that this work will not disappoint your expectations of both quality and volume.
Even after the final major update, we will continue to fix bugs, and react to all feedback accordingly.
We hope everyone will continue to give us your feedback and encouragement, and enjoy Picontier` for many years to come.
Picontier Production Team
Producer: Seigai Kou