Vampire Etiquette


Cabernet is a 2D narrative RPG set in a 19th century Eastern European inspired world, with a modern twist. Guide Liza, a young vampire in her new unlife among the unsuspecting townsfolk. Will you retain your humanity or descend further into the horror you have become?

Hello, vampires, I know that becoming a vampire isn’t the easiest thing to adjust to. After all, you’ll be pulled towards instincts you never realize you had. I’m here to help with the new rules you will have to follow now that you are a vampire. Party for Introverts posted a [url=]TikTok[/url] on rules you must follow as a vampire. [h2]Avoid the Sunlight[/h2] Ever get a sunburn as a human? Now imagine anytime you walk into the sunlight your skin literally sizzles. That is what a sunburn is like for a vampire. Even indirect sunlight is deadly to us so you need to be wary of even mirrors, or other reflective surfaces in the daytime. [h2]Accept the Invite[/h2] Humans may be easy to deceive but you still need to work with them. You can’t enter a home unless you’re invited inside, which means getting on a human’s good side becomes a necessity for any enterprising, young vampire. Simply talk with them and don’t do anything too shady; let them think you are one of them. I know you will have the urge to bite their neck and drink their blood but it is important to fight against that instinct. If you are really desperate, you may think innocent animals are great options as well. You know, if you’re ready to watch the life go out of an innocent rabbit. [h2]Do Not Fall in Love With Humans[/h2] I know you’ve seen the movies and humans going, “oh, falling in love with a vampire is so dreamy.” No! Stop that! Doing that puts our whole community in danger and can cause the humans to start investing in torches and pitchforks. Remember to blend in but don’t overstay. [h2]Drink Your Cabernet[/h2] Remember to drink your cabernet. We keep it stocked up every night so don’t be shy to get your fill in. We don’t want something to happen if you forget. - Vampire Consultant