Vacuum Pilot is now Free to Play

Vacuum Pilot

Vacuum Pilot is a 2D speedrunning game with easy to learn but hard to master controls based on mouse movement.

Add the game to your library now and start drifting around corners and climbing the leaderboards in this unique [b]mouse movement based[/b] speedrunning racer! [b]Key Features:[/b] [list] [*]Enjoy over [b]30 official levels[/b] (more to come) [*]Global [b]Leaderboards[/b] [*]Earn [b]medals [/b]to unlock new [b]customization options[/b] [*]Casual and competitive [b]real-time multiplayer[/b] [*]Watch [b]replays [/b]of other players and compete with their ghost [*][b]Level Editor[/b] and Steam Workshop support [/list] For more information, check out this short [b]FAQ [/b]we have made: [hr][/hr] [h2]Why Free to Play?[/h2] A competitive game like Vacuum Pilot needs a healthy amount of active users to populate the leaderboards and online lobbies. With our current business model, we did not reach enough users. Lobbies were empty and the leaderboards did not change often. By going Free to Play, we hope to increase user activity and end up with an actual competitive environment. Additionally, going free to play means more potential feedback to improve our game during Early Access! [hr][/hr] [h2]Will there be "pay to win"?[/h2] No. The current plan is to only allow the purchase of visual elements, like new ships or ship parts. They do not and will not change the behaviour of the ship. [hr][/hr] [h2]Are there any bonuses for people that have already bought Vacuum Pilot?[/h2] Yes. People that have bought Vacuum Pilot before [b]September 23rd[/b] will receive [b]every single microtransaction[/b] that will ever be in the game [b]for free[/b]. [hr][/hr] If you want to give us feedback, feel free to join our [url=]Discord Server[/url] or create a discussion in the [b]Vacuum Pilot Community Hub[/b]. Thanks for playing, we can't wait to see your records!