Update 1.0.2 Patch Notes

Vacuum Pilot

Vacuum Pilot is a 2D speedrunning game with easy to learn but hard to master controls based on mouse movement.

Hey there! Before we begin with the Patch Notes, i would like to ask you to join our [url=https://discord.gg/RZcsmG2vSm]Discord Server[/url] to become part of our community! Send us your feedback and suggestions to help us improve the game even more and make it as good as it can be! [url=https://discord.gg/RZcsmG2vSm style=button]Join Discord Server[/url] Thanks for playing! [hr][/hr] [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed a crash that could occur when starting a level or downloading/watching a replay. [*]Fixed author names not loading correctly in the Workshop level selection [*]It's now possible to use the restart hotkey during the end screen [*]The name of the current level is now visible during the end screen [*]Bug fixes [/list]