Season 2 content out now! - Update 0.6.0 Patch Notes

Vacuum Pilot

Vacuum Pilot is a 2D speedrunning game with easy to learn but hard to master controls based on mouse movement.

Surprise! Our Season 2 content update launched a bit earlier than expected and introduces 10 new levels, entirely new space ships with their own unique customization options, a new online ghost system and a ton of quality of life improvements! Vacuum Pilot also goes [b]Free to Play[/b] on September 23rd at 10am pacific! ([url=]Read More[/url]) Before we begin with the patch notes, i would like to ask you to join our [url=]Discord Server[/url] to take active part in our game development! Every suggestion and feedback is appreciated! Thanks for playing! [hr][/hr] [h1]Season 2 highlights[/h1] [h2]New Levels[/h2] Season 2 introduces 10 new cave and jungle themed levels, with more levels coming in future updates. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40843601/25e42bce67b66affdc9c4a1c742a7ab6ff01fa1f.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40843601/121337620b63e8c16054eaeece000697742c7d54.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40843601/e2d4bd5b1d2222c9f25b88539809c0d3703be5fe.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40843601/ae95a2365aedd14248f4324d76e94c7a8ca1160c.png[/img] [hr][/hr] [h2]New Ships[/h2] Entirely new ships with their own unique customization options are now available for purchase! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40843601/09badfaed93585912237112f66e1aa2d67d9e5c9.png[/img][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40843601/902192f0802115b0aa6b61efefa32f6cc66dc3bd.png[/img] [i]Users that have bought Vacuum Pilot before [b]September 23rd[/b] will be able to use the new ships with no additional costs! Free to play users will be able to purchase each ship for [b]$1.99[/b].[/i] [hr][/hr] [h2]New Ghost and Replay System[/h2] We have rebuilt the ghost system from the ground up. It's now possible to download and compete against specific ghosts, and additionally you can also watch downloaded ghosts as a replay. [i]The eye icon indicates if a ghost is downloaded and displayed. Click it to toggle the visibility of the corresponding ghost. The "Replay" symbol can be used to watch that individual replay.[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40843601/e62392ea58fc5987f96faec4d6289a44c6ebe1d4.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40843601/346ec78c1dfb6d8755b69c86e2b40f27eb58278a.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40843601/204791178c2c96cc97df477e72959b5e6766cdfa.png[/img] [hr][/hr] [h2]Leaderboard reset[/h2] Due to changes to the ghost system, all local records and ghosts were deleted and all leaderboard entries were removed. [b]Your XP and Player Level are NOT affected[/b]! [hr][/hr] [h2]Ship customization reset[/h2] Due to changes to the ship customization system, your space ship customization has been reset to the default. [b]Your unlocked ship parts are NOT affected and can be used immediately[/b]! [hr][/hr] [h1]Full Patch Notes[/h1] [h3]New content and features[/h3] [list] [*][b]10 [/b]new levels have been added [*]Two new space ships are now available for purchase [i](Free for users that have bought the game before [b]September 23rd 2022[/b])[/i] [*]Specific [b]ghosts [/b]can now be downloaded and displayed [*]It's now possible to watch [b]replays [/b]of other users after downloading their ghost [/list] [h3]UI and resolution[/h3] [list] [*]The in-game UI now displays all [b]medal times[/b] of the current level [*]Your current steam [b]avatar [/b]is now shown in the XP card [*]Support for more aspect ratios and resolutions [/list] [h3]Level changes[/h3] [list] [*][b]Season 1 - Labrynth[/b]: Removed the start area checkpoints to improve level flow [*]Improved the look of [b]Tutorial - Basic Movement[/b] and [b]Tutorial - Advanced Movement[/b] [/list] [h3]New settings[/h3] [list] [*]The in-game text chat can now be disabled in the game settings [*]Added a customizable keybinding to activate the mouse cursor in-game to interact with the leaderboards. [i](Standard key: Alt)[/i] [*]Added a customizable keybinding to show/hide other players [i](Standard key: G)[/i] [*]Added a customizable keybinding to show/hide your current speed [i](Standard key: S)[/i] [/list] [h3]Bug fixes[/h3] [list] [*]Arcade Mode: Fixed a bug where your score was not uploaded after reaching level 10 [*]Fixed a bug that caused the personal best ghost to not load properly [*]Fixed several UI related crashes [/list] [h3]Level Editor changes[/h3] [list] [*]New cave and jungle themed objects are now available [*]Improved the overall stability and user experience [*]Objects can now be moved to the front or background by using the [b]page up[/b]/[b]page down[/b] keys [*]Objects can now be rotated more precisely by using the [b]Q[/b] and [b]E[/b] keys [*]Selected objects now display their current rotation while in precision mode [/list] [h3]Resets[/h3] [list] [*]All local records and ghosts were deleted and all leaderboard entries were removed [*]Your space ship customization has been reset to the default [/list]