v2.1 -- Controls and more...

Terrene - An Evidence Of Life Game

In this 2D sci-fi pixel art adventure, you can mine, craft and fight your way through an almost endless universe full of procedurally generated planets.

Hello and good day, Great to have you here checking out our new update. Lots of cool mechanics added to the game. Here are the key feature that were added/updated: [b]Custom Key Bindings[/b] Now you can set almost any key in the game to a custom key binding. This is possible on Keyboard/Mouse and Controller. Customize away! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39322189/a74636bb42fd869319667d233b0b6a307c735059.gif[/img] [b]Grab and Drop Inventory[/b] Now you can pickup stacks in the inventory menu. You can rearrange and organize your inventory as you see fit. You can even grab a stack, switch to the ship inventory and drop it into the ship. An overall needed feature set for the inventory system. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39322189/62ce717c60443ada49c316d12837837fc122e404.gif[/img] [b]Increase Player Inventory Slots to 48[/b] We have added more inventory spaces to the play inventory. Now you can collect even more good stuff before you need to return to your ship. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39322189/e1127a4eda4c6029666e01a66c31f4029e047dbc.png[/img] [b]Player/Ship HUB Update[/b] We decided to ditch the large sized HUD and replace it with a sleek HUD that is close to the player and can be visible without taking your eyes off the player. We also update this for the ship. Much cleaner. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39322189/c8b6366b5d992f893b568a06b75b074a02a8e449.png[/img] [b]Quick Slots[/b] Now this one is rad! You can now assign up to 4 player inventory slots to be a Quick Slots that allow easy access to any item in your inventory. This feature makes it much easier to quickly access different weapons, items and powerup at the press of a button. Game changer. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39322189/9fa26018715d76d99a562bfe8f39bf879c639158.gif[/img] [b]Additional Items[/b] [list] [*] Rearranged the UI elements on screen. Armour and current weapon is now displayed in the top left. Controls are now in the bottom left. This is much cleaner. [*] Update the game Logo [*] Added Controls Menu to the Main Menu [*] Fixed an audio issue where the robodiggers sound would duplicate and become very loud if multiple units were placed at the same time. [*] Updated text so that the word "Mission" is used in all areas of the game. [/list] Again, thank you for your interest and support for our game Terrene. It means the world to us that you read these and that you play the game. Have a wonderful day. Life is Short = Eat Cake [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39322189/1a1cdb3de956ffbaf182bf53bb5c74464ccb4695.png[/img]