The 2.5 Update is here!

Terrene - An Evidence Of Life Game

In this 2D sci-fi pixel art adventure, you can mine, craft and fight your way through an almost endless universe full of procedurally generated planets.

Well Hello there… I know, you could barely blink and were dropping another great update. This time we were very focused on fixing all the smaller items we found during testing in the last build and also some smaller tweaks to balancing and cleanup. It was awesome to take some time and just play the game and now mold it into a masterpiece. [h1]Solar Map Updates[/h1] The Solar Map menu was the last menu to get the higher resolution update. We finished this up for this build. Much larger so you can see more of the planets around you. A much needed update. We added a completed planet marker so you can easily see which planets you have completed on the solar map as well as a current planet marker that leads you back to your current planet if you scrolled away from it. We also added coordinates on the solar map. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39322189/554d5872d96b5ef9112899434e784002b62eef77.png[/img] [h1]Translucent Orb Updates[/h1] Now the Translucent Orbs will light up more area and stay lit longer. These are super useful when mining in the dark. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39322189/d09eac993461120b4ccf83c7bcb7ddb42458e313.png[/img] We are so lucky to have you reading this. Thanks for your interest and time. Here is the full list of what was done in the 2.5 update. [h2]Features/Balancing[/h2] [list] [*] Guns now display the name “Broken” when it can no longer be repaired. [*] Updated the text when viewing a gun to display the remaining repairs instead of the number of repairs completed. [*] Unplugging the controller will pause the game. If the game is continued with keyboard & mouse it will default to Keyboard & Mouse controls. [*] Holding the left analog stick down will automatically move the cursor multiple squares in all menus. [*] Auto-transferring items to your ship will now include transferring Super Gems. [*] Added sub-boss healthbars. [*] More optimization around offscreen items. [*] Translucent Orbs now are larger and stay on longer. [*] Increased enemy and Sub-Boss health a bit more per planet level. [*] Deconstruct function in the ship inventory menu now increases deconstruction speed if you hold down the deconstruct key. [*] Added a “Plant All” button in the Terrarium Terminal on the Orbiter. [*] Slightly Increased the drop rate of BioMatter from killing enemies. [*] Slightly increased the chance of Sub-Bosses spawning on a planet. [*] Updated the exit game text to include verbiage about leaving a game without picking up your lost items from death. Leaving the game will delete those items from the world and not save them. [*] Increased the Health/Battery/Oxygen recharge speed when a player is in the ship. [*] Increased the Health/Fuel recharge speed when a ship is in the Orbiter. [*] Increased the item drops from agro red sky enemies. [*] Increase agro red enemies damage to player. [*] Increased the player descent speed in water. [*] Updated the Space Hulks and Glitch worlds to have turrets throughout the maze. [*] Increase the chance for the mite leather mission so that hats can be obtained faster. [*] Added preview images in the hat rack for hats. [*] Large Space Snakes now follow the player. [*] All POIs can now spawn within a Heart Boss room. [*] Mite eggs now have physics and will roll down slopes. They no long automatically break when falling 2 square and have a chance to break. [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where the main menu load game screen caused a crash when displaying an older save file. [*] Fixed planet regeneration from crashing on older visited planets. [*] Fixed an issue where you could reload broken guns. [*] Fixed an issue where you could repair non-broken guns. [*] Fixed an issue where the large Dylixia crystal healthbar would not reach the end before the large Dylixia crystal broke. [*] Fixed an issue where too many flaming asteroids were spawning. [*] Fixed an issue where the ship would be set to 100 health if a flaming asteroid hit it. [*] Fixed an issue where water was killing Tremor Worms and PimPims. [*] Fixed an issue where labyrinth beetles were displaying as “?” on the map. [*] Fixed an issue where you could not access the inventory menu when in the ship while landed in the Orbiter. [*] Fixed an issue where large space snakes were freezing and could easily be killed (exploit). [*] Fixed an issue where enemies on higher planet levels were too powerful. Rebalanced. [/list]