
Emitters - Drone Invasions

A fast-paced, first-person experience set in a future taken over by deadly hi-tech drones. As humanity's only hope, it's your mission to identify this threat's origin and neutralize it. But are you ready to face an army whose single target is yourself?

- FinalTest Level optization - Better sway weapons effect (vertical and roll to give better feeling) - AK aiming dot and dynamic FOV - Darker Shadows for Industry map - Switch Oblivion drone on Garden And Industry map - Update pathfinding spots for drones navigation on Industry map - Spawners Arms noise set as SFX slider audio on settings - Added Invalidate Sound effect on turret and set as SFX slider audio on settings - Man Breath and heartbeat set as SFX slider audio on settings - Switch cloth sound set as SFX slider audio on settings on handgun reload - Fix skip cinematics black screen on industry - Reduce Muzzle Flash for guns - Updated drone colors to red - Barrels material update - Weapon Box v2 - New Menu style (flying drone) - AI Boss smoother rotation movements - Weapons FOV while not aiming - Waves Drone Oblivion replaced - Bullet Trail particle - Impact Particle LOD - Beta version unlockable variable when reach the end of the last map. - Reduced aiming gun recoil. - Reduced Shoot camera shake - Fix skip cinematic twice goes black on "AITraining" map - Automaticly unlock weapon on level end. - Adaptation map hints and style update. - Barrels revert to one shot explosion (prevent some effects issues and make it more intuitive/logical). - Microgeminers (unlockable micro-organism WIP) - Update landscape textures. - Crafter Texture fix (Adaptation map) - Building Emitters Website - Industry Glass Fence player collision fix - Fix grenade system maximum force throw 2 grenades - Exit door sign location - Crafter texture fix (adaptation map) - Barrels highlight - Menu in level, added Exit Confirmation - Fix Crafter populate your saved modes when game start - FadeIn loading screen - Fences collisions - Dropped item particle - Maps thumbnails update - Crafter added ReqItems consumption and Mod sellings - Update movie intro game - Esc key toggle menu - Unlock level text on level selection